Sunday 4 May 2014

potential ideas

Using different colour pens to show the differnt drawings - human and animal

collage material to creat simple shapes of
Animals combined with detail pen drawing of human -(could lower opacity down of the collage so it is still recognisable and visible but doesn't detract from the drawing god the human) 

Using skin/fur pattern/print of the animal in the humans clothing. 

below i have used photoshop to combine my friend helena and a image of a cat which is the animal she reminds me of. 

this is the sketch i have done going off the photoshopped image, i used 2 different colour pens to differentiate the 2 figures. 

overlapping the 2- because i have used 2 different pens to draw the 2 figures, i have experimented with overlapping as you can still differentiate the 2. 

below are 2 illustrations i have found that use the same technique, i could experiment further with media till i achieve the most effective combination. 

one issue i have come across when developing this idea is The  difficulty of finding people I know that remind me of animals, though is something I do regularly, it is only with people I feel have a strong resemblance, therefore trying to link a  number of people who perhaps don't share a likeness with a animal has been difficult.  one way I thought I could overcome this was to match up the persons characteristics and behaviours to characteristics and behaviours of an animal, for example,  I would draw my friend Vicky in combination with a lamb, as she is always happy, bouncy,  and hyper, as I imagine a spring lamb to be.

 Though I like this idea, I feel it will be too difficult and therefore lack visual quality due to how I would position and combine the two for example because a spring lamb  is very small combined with a  human,   I think the composition would look odd.
 I also think the concept may be lost or had to interpret if I match a animal with a human because of there characteristics instead of there looks, i think it will be difficult and confusing to see the link. 

looking into another idea which involves animals

 came across this image whilst looking at the art colossal website,  which is of a calendar of endangered/extinct animals, .this would be an interesting concept to look into.

The Fantastic Imagination of Illustrator Simón Prades illustration drawing
  thougor why  the animals are becoming extinct/ endangered  into an illustration of the animal.   I really like  the composition of the piece above, using a simple silhouettes of the man and drawing a detailed scene inside – I thought this could be  at effective way  to combine reasons for why  the animals are becoming extinct/ endangered  and the animal itself.  
 above is a quick example sketch, drawing a scene to illustrate every using why the animal is becoming extinct into the silhouette shape of  the animal. 

 though I really like the concept of this idea,  I again feel like I'm over complicating the illustrations,  and feel it will require a lot of work. 

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