Tuesday 13 May 2014

progress tutorial

- continue to develope same media technique till i find a way to use it i fel is most effective (draw several times-even scanning in the basic outlines and printing out and adding different methods of adding the detail) -exhaustive testing!
discussed my idea of incorportating the deal beauty of the western (our) culture next to the ideal beauty of different cultures to make my concept understandable so people can link them together to mean beauty.
disccussed how i felt i was starting to just use the same technique in each project now i have found one i enjoy, and that i was worried im not showing progress and development- however matt pointed out to me that using the same media combination (detail and collage material/paint) is fine as there is still elements to this technique that i can improve on and develop into something different. - dont need to worry about using and coming up with a complete new style. 

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