Monday 12 May 2014

Peer feedback on initial ideas

 looking different cultures ideas of beauty in creating a vogue/fashion magazine cover for each.
 the reasons for choosing  to recreate a  Vogue cover is due to the link  Vogue has with  women and beauty,  I thought this would add to creating a stronger,  obvious concept. 

How will I communicate this?
Emulate the style of Vogue magazine – the poses, text, photography, backgrounds. Creating contrast between the person and  and their cultures fashion ( jewellery/make up   etc) 

what I learnt from my research?
That  beauty does not come under one category

 what additional research do intend to do?
 research  further into  certain tribes  and  their reasonings behind their  beauty traits. 
 from my peer crit Hannah and Aaron  suggested researching into images of well-known Western culture beauty,  as I could combine the  famous conventional  fashion models/famous figures with tribal  beauty  traits (their jewellery/makeup  etc) to make people link  our cultures idea of beauty (the models/famous figures)  with tribal/ other cultures beauty. 

eg -  Marilyn Monroe, with lip ring-  this would be a powerful image as it would look odd,  yet shows 2 different cultures  ideas of beauty and how contrasting they are. 

  Hannah and Aaron also informed me that there are additions of 'Vogue around the world', )  Vogue magazines that are created for different countries.  – this could be something I looking to, creating  and magazine (cover)  for certain cultural tribes/countries/cultures. 

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