Monday 19 May 2014

choosing photo reference to represent westerns ideal beauty these days

 because I wanted my concept to be understood as ideals of  women beauty across a broad range of cultures, i have decided to use our ( Western culture beauty)  as one of the examples.  i think this will make my concept of ' beauty'  more obvious, as viewers ( Western culture  viewers)  will link the image of 'the western woman' to beauty and therefore will hopefully link the other images of the woman to this. 

'When thinking about Western ideals today women who are tan, tall and slender, have large breasts small waists, and delicate features are applauded for their beauty. Also in western culture mass culture and the media have had a big part to play in the idea of beauty and it can become something that is very unnatural. People will go to lengths to live up to the beauty ideals of their society such as eating disorders, cosmetic surgery, hair implants and the list goes on.'

choosing images. 

i have decided to use this image as it shows a very slim woman, delicate features, and face make-up to eliminate beauty. 
i have also chosen this because it is in good contrast with other images from other culture- e.g. it is very simple and does not show other objects or jewellery etc which other cultures wear as a sign of beauty. 

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