Thursday 15 May 2014

developing fine liner, brush pen and shape technique.

developing pen shape idea 
i really liked this technique because it allows me to add the facial details in detail yet in a unusual technique which i have not experimented with a lot and therefore is showing my progress in my style as i am moving away from doing the same technique of pencil detail and collage. 

it was really difficult at first to think in teams of shape instead of tone when drawing out the figure. it was also hard to choose which areas of shadow i was going to fill in pure black and which areas i would just outline (with a shape) to represent a shadow. i did this by using pure black to represent the darkest areas and i used the outline shapes to represent the lighter areas of shadow. 

from previous experiments, i liked the effect of adding a background colour to avoid the surround of the illustration looking empty and to make the whites of the illustration look more prominent. here i have considered the background colour of the photo reference (green) and used a similar colour as a backwash behind the illustration. however because i have changed my drawing style  I don't like how the  colour seeps into the pen  drawing i think this makes the drawing  less effective and also gives the impression of green skin. 

 using a white background-  though again I am using the  negative space,  and background is white,  I think this makes the drawing more visually engaging as the colour used in the clothing garments and jewellery is enough, therefore a colour background is not needed  as it would  detract attention away from them.

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