Wednesday 14 May 2014

developing collage technique

after my progress tutorial with matt, i was reassured that it was ok to carry on developing the collage and pencil technique as i can still show development by testing, experimenting and improving it. below i have experimented with mixing pencil with different medias and methods. 

one thing i could look at developing from my previous submissions is using a backdrop colour, this might solve the problem of empty space a few people have mentioned to me about my work in progress crits- especially the latter image.

here a few illustrations by different illustrators i have liked on pint rest in the past, i have recently notice how each have a greyish background instead of using just the white of the paper, i really like how this then allows the whites of the image to be more prominent and a more considered colour. 

below i have worked onto a grey background this image of a Omo tribes woman.

to make the whites stand out more, i have used a white pen in the highlighted areas of the photo reference.

adding colour material- -the contrast between the pencil and a  collage material  is too bold here, the illustration looks to  disjointed and  does not work together as a whole. 
 using paint –  I like this method as the paint added reminds me of  tribal paintings as it looks textured.  however I feel I may have applied it to detailed and accurately inside the lines.

 here  I have applied paint using my fingers to emphasise on creating a more tribal like painting by making it look more textured. I have also  only half finished the garment as I like the unfinished look, making the illustration appear to fade away, creating a stronger focal point on the face. 

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