Thursday 15 May 2014


because i really liked the combination of collage paper and pencil i have used in the past - 
i decided to experiment using collage paper with this drawing style. 
like my previous technique, here i have used a solid block of paper collage and added pen detail on top to give the impressions of the rings of the kayan.
cutting individual lines to represent the rings of the kayan.
using patterned collage material for the dress.
i have also slightly worked ontop of the dress with pen to give the impression of the creases in the material.
i do really like this technique as i feel it is visually interesting and is also atheistically pleasing to look at, however one thing i worry about it the technically accuracy and care i would need to take when adding the collage material, from past experience i found it very tricky and time consuming to cut out the exact size shape i would need to fit in the clothing shape, and if i wasn't 100% correct it could end up looking very rushed, unprofessional and to obvious that i have just stuck down collage material and i want the 2 combining medias to flow together as one to become one technique and final piece.

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