Friday 8 April 2016

thinking about selling illustration for personal, aesthetic use.

As my immediate future plans are to move back home to save money (as i won't have to pay for accommodation) i obviously don't want to loose touch with my practice, from the experience of visiting local galleries, i realised to sell my work in the area ill be based i will need to adhere to the galleries specific audiences  and that would consist of illustrating things based on nature, the lakes, or the country. 

though this is not like the concept work im used to producing from these 3 years at LCA, it would be quite nice to draw things for a aesthetic purpose. 

knowing this is what ill be having to do in the mean time while im at home, i have thought about platforms that i could show/sell aesthetically pleasing and not necessarily concept driven art on such as Etsy

i hope to get this up and running properly once i have finished my degree (when i have time to draw nice things not project driven!) using other forms of my online presence to boost and bring awareness to my account and hopefully sales! 

 As i want people to think of me when they would like a commissioned illustration, i have added commission and personal work to my website as i think this will let people and galleries see i can create work for aesthetic use. 

however it is hard to know where to draw the line with what to post online –
don’t want to confuse with to many styles
but don’t want to limit my chance of work by not showing things other clients may want.

I've only had 2 commissions, and 1 client based project come out of online presence,   though this is not a lot, it still show social media works to draw in sales. 
ni hope when i have more 'sellable' work to post (such as work i could show to galleries) people may want commissions. 
ii plan to play around with adding tag line of illustration deals when posting on fb/instagram  ‘if any one would like a print offer of ….' to build interst and  make people think they are getting a good deal.
       it will also hopfully just remind people that I am available for commissions.

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