Thursday 21 April 2016

Position Statement 2016

At this point, I consider myself an illustrator who aspires to use the power of emotion to move people to empathy and appreciation, forming personal and relatable connections between my illustrations and the viewer.
I feel investing my time into researching, and becoming personally involved with the people or subjects I wish to illustrate benefits my work and allows me to capture the atmosphere, feelings, surroundings I experience, creating a certain focus, all of which can be lost in a photograph.
Growing up in the Lake District, moving to a city has influenced the way I observe different cultures and environments.  I am forever intrigued by how different environments create different people, and how an ordinary day to one person is an extraordinary day to another.  Immersing myself into different cultures and environments is definitely something I plan to do to inspire my creativity and provide me with endless reportage opportunities to illustrate my personal experiences.

 My practice is heavily influenced by capturing and interpreting the candid side of society, changing the unnoticed, mundane moments into extraordinary stills - the excitement I get when catching that moment you miss your mouth when drinking a brew is slightly odd.
Having a strong moral compass, the ability to question or raise awareness to social issues within my illustrations drives my practice forward so creating awareness work for charities would not only suit practice but would also adhere to my personal ethos.
I hope to soon be attached to an agency that will provide me with the exposure I need to attract organisations looking for heart stories to be interpreted with a authentic and sensitive approach to motivate people to take actions.
My career ambition is to have an established and renowned practice that connects me a variety of awareness organisation, which uses my illustrations and approach to benefit society. 

I feel it is important for me to remain in a creative environment to network and form connection with those who share similar interest and values. 

online presence links:

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