Saturday 2 April 2016

Promo pack development on last year

though i was pleased with my Promo pack last year, there was still elements i wanted to improve on.  the whole point of creating a promo pack is so i could send them out to potential clients, agents etc and so far... I've not sent my current one to anyone. one reason why i think i haven't got round to doing this is the effort and cost it took to print and produce. As the net had to be printed on a a2 piece of card and required double sided printing i could only print it off at the repographic's suit or other professional printers which is quite expensive if i needed to print off a batch along with the rest of the promotional merchandise i included inside the pack (postcards, stickers, business cards). 

my idea for this pack was to include the illustrations i would have placed on a postcards onto the flaps of the promo pack net this way i would not have to print off extra elements of the pack and viewer would see the visual side of my work first when opening the promo pack - and if interested can carry on looking and opening my pack. 
ideally i would like the flaps of the promo pack to be scorned/intended so the viewer can tear off the postcards and keep them on display. The way i have planed out the net, tearing off the postcards would not effect the structure/stability and effect of the pack which would still work (open, close ete) without the flaps. 

choosing which illustrations to represent my practice!
though i think my style is distinctive in the way i use detail with most medias i use, the audiences i have created work for have been variety this year - creating work for children's books but also creating work for the more serious more mature audience (social issues). ideally showcasing both would show my versatility however, from advice i have received from other illustrators i have contacted such as Georgina luck, Joel Penkman and from Patrick Holly showing different styles can confuse viewers/potential clients as they will be unsure as to what you would be delivering to them. 

^without adding the coloured/children illustrations

final layout

decided to stick with similar tone of voice within my illustration
though i like the pieces i wanted to include which showed how i can work for a younger demographic using colour and different medias, i decided to show the type of illustrations i felt best describes my practice as a whole and a style that i would probably imagine myself developing and using with new briefs that come along - detail pencil with a combination of different drawn scenes and sometimes adding digital colour.
when creating nets with the coloured illustrations on, i would of had to as 2 extra flaps which would mean adding 4 more illustrations (front and back of the flap) to the net, and i feel adding more examples would overwhelm and confuse the viewer more- i think it would also distract from pieces i have included which are more effective and descriptive about my style as an illustrator.

though i am not 100% its the best idea to not show a variety of my work, at-least i had links to my website on my pack which shows the majority of my illustrations. also, i could also create more promo packs for specific clients/agency i wish to contract with work that i think would best interest them.

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