Saturday 2 April 2016

creative CV development

initial design layout:
i wanted to make my creative cv more professional, straight forward and all in one place - unlike my promo pack which was spread across the who net of the pack which i feel may put people off with all the information in front of them, by having the cv in a specific part of the promo pack, receiver can choose to read it if they are interested in the visuals they see first in the promo pack.
however... i was naive to think all the information would fit (and be readable) on one piece of a5 portrait paper. i didn't want to cram all the information on to overwhelm or bored the reader but i didn't want to leave out information i felt would be vital for them to know. 

i didn't want to make multiple a5 pieces of paper, and i didn't want to add information the the back incase the reader didn't look there... so i thought about adding a flap that when opened it would make for a slightly larger area that i could fit more information onto and also use the front flap for added info and to make the cv look creative and 'pretty'  
cv with flap closed 

cv with flap open.

i have decided to loose some of the information i added to my last cv such as my home address, all my grades and work experiences which i didn't think were relevant (such as working at several different cafe's) this gave me room to write more about my creative experiences and myself as a practitioner. 

text i have on cv decribing who i am now (new and edited):

I first realized a creative career was for me at the age of 7 after spending my entire first holiday 
illustrating our daily adventures – my Mum was not best pleased with the drawing of her falling out of the dingy…

Being inspired by my surroundings still influences my creativity today.
Having a strong moral compass, the ability to question or raise awareness to social issues within my illustrations drives my practice forward. 

Growing up in the Lake District, moving to a city has influenced the way I observe different 
cultures and environments.  
I am forever intrigued by how different environments create different people, and how an 
ordinary day to one person is an extraordinary day to another.  

I enjoy using detail to express empathy within my work, forming personal and relatable connections between my illustrations and the viewer. 

when I am not illustrating, you will usually find me with my other passions in life; friends,family, walking, traveling and singing in the shower.

YCN Student Awards 2015
Myself and Illustrator Joe Boyd were commended for our design submitted for the Fedrigoni Brief which required us to create a marketing tool to promote their latest range of black papers and boards: Sirio Ultra Black.

Kendal Windows on Art
working with a Cumbrian arts charity that collaborates with communities and local 
organisations to improve access to Arts through workshops, events and exhibitions.

Awarded a Merit Certificate for the ability to understand and follow a detailed  brief for the 
creation of a marketing campaign for a leading charity - Fair-trade.  

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