Tuesday 12 April 2016

paid work oppotunity from KWoA

Hi Bex

Sorry for slow reply, was away during Easter hols and just now catching up with emails. I'd still like to feature your drawing work of John on the Pride of Place blog when we update about our small grant we've been awarded and feature it again to launch the new project blog - slight delay as funders have asked us not to publicise that we got the new grant yet but they're hoping to finalise the paperwork processing later this week then your work will be up on both blogs, the old one and our new one both with a link to your illustration website. Thanks for your patience!

The VIPs loved having you visit the group and would really like you to come back and help at future sessions after you've completed your degree work. I've discussed this with KWoA trustees and we've allocated you £100 out of the current budget for your future freelance fees as Creative workshop assistant at the VIP Craft Group for the visually impaired i.e. 8 hours @ £12.50 per hour, that would be to support 4 sessions of 2 hours each 10.15am - 12.15am. Sessions tend to be every two weeks on Tuesdays during term time at the Gateway Centre. I would run and plan the sessions and as workshop assistant you would come along, chat to and help anyone who wants to chat to you or needs help - very enjoyable and no prep!  

We'd aware that you've lots on with your degree work and your post degree plans may change so we'd like you to use up your 8 hours whenever it suits you to fit around when and if you're free. VIPs have sessions planned for April/May/June/July and in July we'll plan dates for Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec. If you enjoy these 4 sessions/8 hours, we can then allocate further budget for your fees in our next round of funds.

Great if you can let me know if this offer is of interest then I can update the trustees and the VIP group.

I realise you may have now completed your CV module work but here's info, please edit as required:

Kendal Windows on Art (KWoA) (you can call it by the long name or short, which ever you prefer)

Feb - Mar 16  Creative workshop and marketing assistant, Pride of Place intergenerational community project. The project was shortlisted for The People's Projects/Lottery Fund and I worked as part of the KWoA artist team supporting workshop activities with children and older people at Milnthorpe Primary School and marketing activities to promote the project's campaign on Border TV and online. 
(- they'll be more info, if you want it, about the project on the blog)

If you'd like to be our new KWoA Creative workshop assistant at the VIP Craft Group for the visually impaired you can add this into your CV too.

Chat soon

i am really pleased to be offered this opportunity as it will allow me to 
keep in-touch with creative circle and other possible creative events/exhibitions with Kendal Windows on Art, and Niki is very clued up on art markets and people so she will be a great contact to work along side. 

 this job will also allows me learn about other peoples lives which surrounds a social issue which drives my practice and will hop fully inspire me to create more empathetic emotive work. 

its really great that it is so flexible aswell, i don't feel tied down. 

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