Wednesday 6 April 2016

Hockney - britains best artist (documentary bbc 2) notes taken

interesting in ways of looking.... everyone looks, its just a question of how hard.

i paint what i like and how i like.

father told him : don't you worry to much about what the neighbours think... and i took that lesson

main thing then (1960)was abstraction.
by the end of my second year i went to newyork
someone offered me a ticket for £40 and said pay me £10 now and the rest later - i thought it cost thousands to do to america - so i said ok.
i only had about £12 but i would get the money somehow.

works from black and white photography - because the the colours of the pictures is never the same as what you get in real life

when drawing/painting portraits, he would include things in the scenery/surroundings that were to do with the various persons personalities. - something i could experiment with in my portraits 

one can do things with painting that one cannot do with photographic technologies, one can show visions of the world, ways of seeing that can invite you to look at things that you would only just glance at if it was a photograph ... introducing something much more personal, more moving. 

frozen moment- a photograph doesn't have life in the way a drawing does.

laying images of same place and different times captures time -

'when you stop doing something, it doesnt mean your rejecting it' 

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