Thursday 29 October 2015

experimenting with zine pages

level 5 and level 6 have been given the opportunity to create a 12 paged zine (+front and back cover) to go into this years thought bubble.
our brief was to create work over summer in a sketchbook (quick sketches) that could be added to this zine.

below i have played around with adding some illustrations from summer into the zine format (a4 paper folded in half) 

im not particularly happy with my zine pages. i feel it has no theme - its very mis-matched.
unfortunately i wasn't happy with many of my drawings from over summer as we had to produce quick sketches a day - something i do not particularly enjoy doing as my practice tends to be time consuming on one drawing at a time, therefore what i produced doesn't show my best work or is very recognisable to the type of work i would produce for clients.

Can i use illustration that were not created in summer?
this is something i will have to check with tutors, but i would much prefer showcasing work in this zine that i am proud of and nest represents me as a practitioner, i feel this will give potential clients a clearer idea of my practice. i don't want to waste a great opportunity getting my work out there if i am not happy with the images i choose to show.

i feel spending time creating more work for the zine that i might not even want to use will take up vital time i need to focus on other modules that are getting marked.

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