Monday 26 October 2015

3rd year time managment

the last 2 years, i have found it very difficult to arrange my indepentant study along side required studio time (time tabled uni sessions) it has been very intensive, in the past i have found it difficult to be confined to the studio at specific times to get on with work as i find it very hard to concentrate on  work when i am not in the right frame of mind. i feel most comfortable and productive when i am in my own space with no distractions. Though this year comes with heavier workload etc, i am enjoying having more freedom to devise my time myself for specific modules, and not being timetabled into uni as often. saying that, i recently i have felt anxiety about weather i am doing enough work, if i am spreading my time out equally etc. i think this is because i perhaps haven't compared my progress to other people in the class. though i have identified how i prefer to work and the environment i work best in (my own space) i think it is still important for me to have contact with the university just to feel i am on the right track with everyone else and get influenced by others.

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