Monday 26 October 2015

thinking about a selection of 6 images to send central illustration agency as the required submission for possible representation on their website.

'if you are interested in representation please email six lo-res images or a link to your work online to can only respond to illustrators or animators who we would like to meet' 
  • which best represents my practice
  • i have to remember not to confuse audience/client with too much variation so they can unstand my practice and be confident with what work i could produce for them (advise from Georgina Luck 

My final 6
i have decided to choose these 6 illustrations to send to central illustration agency. i think they best represent my practice and breadth of my skills.
even though these illustrations use different techniques, i still think they show similarities and liknesses to each other which will be recognisable to me - detailed, delicate, emotive. 
instead of choosing 6 illustrations produced in the same tone of voice i felt by choosing slightly different techniques will allow potential clients to choose which style they like- i was influenced to do this from a brief i am working on at the moment, a client chose a style that i have not developed/chosen to promote as much as other recent techniques i have been working on (loose watercolour and detailed pencil/pen) showing that my opinions of what is effective is not allows right, and certain styles work better for certain briefs and themes. 

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