Sunday 11 October 2015

Exploring London

though going to London for the YCN awards was a fantastic opportunity, it was also daunting to me as i have only ever been to London once for a school trip, and because i won as part of a collaboration, i was not able to bring a guest therefore had to travel and stay over on my own! as i am from a small town in the country, london seems like a different planet!


i survived!... and i actually really enjoyed touring London on my own, i was able to go where i wanted and felt very independent. my confidence has definitely grown since this trip, allowing me to see i can deal with the complexity of the tube, getting from place in place in the busy city.
it definitely made me see that London definitely has it 'all going on' and is a essential place for networking, establishing yourself...however could i really see myself there? i still dont know the answer the that question. i can see it as a lonely place to be if you dont establish that network of people. - i get the impression, as like most capitals, it is either make it or break it.

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