Monday 12 October 2015

live hard - how to talk to your hero's (illustrators you admire)

 you’d probably be very surprised how easy it is to meet/interview/get advice from people you respect. Here are two simple rules I’d suggest for actually doing that:
1. Be sincere
Most people who genuinely care passionately about a thing  will respond well to other people who care passionately about the same thing. 
 If, when you approach someone, you can say, ‘Look, this is what I’ve already done, on my own,’ they’ll know you aren’t just some dude who’s got into the thing in the last ten minutes, looking for a quick fix.
Show that you’re inquisitive and committed and not just looking for a handout, and you improve your chances enormously.
e.g email:
‘I run a website called Live Hard, which is about working, living, drinking and partying…as hard as possible. I don’t make any money from it – it’s mainly a way to try and inspire people to actually live harder, and it works for at least a few people. One girl emailed me to tell me she’d taken up Roller Derby because of it. Another guy told me he’d lost 4 stone and met a nice lady. Well done that man. 
As you can probably guess, I’m hoping you’ll agree to an interview – in many ways, you’re the inspiration behind the site. Hope it sounds interesting, although I understand if it doesn’t. Either way, all the best.’
 2. Don’t be a dick
 If you want to chat to someone, then chat to them – don’t ask them for stuff straight out of the gate, just interact with them like you would (hopefully) any other human. This could be anything: from a link to something they might find interesting (not your stuff, unless it’s super-relevant) to an area of expertise you can help them with.This can be simple, or complicated: comment on someone’s blogposts, letting them know which ones you like (and why). Drop them a Tweet about something they might find interesting. Be sincere – people can (in my experience) tell when you’re doing it.

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