Monday 12 October 2015

linkedin = for asking questions, networking

travel!- experiencing all the time
glimps into your life

how you charge for things

dont do things free

jack vetreono

consider an agent! - talk to matt
dont just get one- get one in loads of places
you dont start paying them until they get you work.

blog post - explain why you've looked at it, what you find interesting

email illustrators about ideas, what they think
'i value your opinions.'
use first name: makes them feel at ease

minimum- £40 a hour

main worry is copyright ©
'who owns the copyright?' discus this with them
'full and final payment copyright will be signed to you'

dont believe anything anybody says to you in business - make them your friend - friends wont lie to you
'circle of friends'
communication and networking is something you should be doing everyday

saltaire gallery

biggest growth area in print- childrens book

inustration friday

live hard - how to talk to your heros

add signature to email - can change a illustration per week.
-or a giff that changes - a way of seeing who you are

include/concider the creative cloud free in costs

stick things on linked in!


angus's book:
work our how many illustrations there are price per illustration.
have them per illustration for £ or can do the whole lot for £

portfolios : something that you love, about you. show you have contact with the outside world not just collage briefs

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