Monday 26 October 2015

discussion with john and PPP and general practice!

i mentioned to john how i feel i need to time to experience new things and places as i have been in education since primary school, i dont feel i have had a change to really have strong opinions or visit places to influence me and the way i feel and think. 

'will i forget what i have learnt if i don't do it for a while and travel?'

'you cant,  you are more influenced from what you are going to do depending on what you wanna do, if you want to go traveling and go to a completely different culture you will see the sky different, you will see colours differently, you will see cultures different, you will see peoples take on life differently.
be careful when you are traveling 
 i love south Africa, i love cape town, but i don't like Johannesburg and i dont like ….. i find them really frightening places, but why is it - its because of the experience i have had that puts me off a bit. - it does effect you, and then you will have a comment, weather its visual or sociable.’ 

you have to investigate yourself first- what makes me, ME. 
what i like to do when i quite - e.g day time tv- what do i like about it ?
ask my friends

listen to something 

what imagery comes to your mind.

finding time for to reflect on 'me' is something i don't feel i do. though i deal with my everyday life everyday i don't (i may subconsciously) think about how it is inspiring, effecting or influencing me. i feel i 100% need to get involved with other things other than illustration as this will inform my thinking and opinions on the world - influencing my illustration. it is nice knowing that i dont nesscessarily have to be particular about what i put on this blog, it doesn't need to be all about illustration and my course, it can also be about me, and what i find interesting. - again, what makes me me. 
i think reestablishing this in my head, i will find it easier to blog often as i dont really need to think about what i am blogging.

london based.
group of illustrators animators.
get in touch with them via twitter Instagram Facebook, Tumblr email

shows case studies, work etc

talking to 'heros'/ other illustrators 

if they won’t speak to you, need to do something drastic. 

email them to tel them you hate there work just to get a reply
send them a illustration.

point people toward my website!

try and makes everything cohesive; Instagram, snapchat, fb, twitter, website, with everyplace, every point of contact should be there. so when a viewer gets on/see one of my pieces I’ve uploaded, they can easily click and view my other platforms or email me.  

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