Monday 2 November 2015

how to get paid.

make sure you have a order number/proof of work asked and agreed or these excuses could be used:
‘the work was never used, the work was unauthorised - there was no budget’

  • take a view of client brief
  • discuss and clarify with client exactly the client wants
  • remember to add on material costs
  • itemise and estimate all content needed and timings- itemise invoice - break down cost
  • advise client by email - so its date stamped and time stamped
ONLY on agreement start work

when writing in response to clients brief:

‘ i have estimated that i will need … hours for all initial sketches at £… a hour
(within this cost we will have room for 2 revisions)

tell them what they are paying for-(so if they want it revised, the price will go up) 

on agreement i estimate each illustration to take 2 hours at the cost of 30 a hour.
5 illustrations 30x5 =390

Project terms:
'i always request initial deposition of £50 of estimated total cost before commencement.'

CAN YOU SEND ME AN OFFICIAL PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER.- this is proof a deal was made - say this is just for account purposes etc as to not overwhelm or scare the client. 

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