Wednesday 11 November 2015

learning about Peter Strain before emailing him and thinking about what to ask.

His work is inspired by film and music as well as social, political and cultural issues. He tackles these with a highly distinctive hand lettering style, bold imagery and humour.
how do you select infomation you want to visually communicate within your pieces? 
The song describes, among others things, an argument between a couple out in the rain. The singer (Matt Berninger)]
 ‘Look, this is what I’ve already done, on my own,’
Show that you’re inquisitive and committed and not just looking for a handout, and you improve your chances enormously.
i aim inspire people to.... with my work 
on’t ask them for stuff straight out of the gate, just interact with them
comment on someone’s blogposts, letting them know which ones you like (and why)

reflecting subtly 
you've inspired me to experiment with using text as illustration (not typed digitally) 

  • Could you describe your journey to becoming an artist? What were your original inspirations?
  • What first inspired you to follow the route you have taken?
  • Who are some of your favourite illustrators/artists? why?
  • How did you get your first illustration/animation job?
  • How do you keep your work fresh? Do you need to consciously adapt your style or does it progress naturally?
  • Words of wisdom - What advice would you give an aspiring illustrator/animator? - In hindsight, would you have done anything differently? 

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