Wednesday 11 November 2015

Emailing Peter Strain

Hi Pete!
Just thought id drop you an email to thank you for inspiring me to consider text as illustration! 

Within my own work I aim to combine thought provoking visuals, which communicate an underlining story or issue behind them. I have experimented with using digital text to emphasize themes within my illustration, but have not been 100% pleased with the effects of digital type. 

I have noticed many briefs you have worked on require several issues or subjects to be conveyed, and I admire how you’ve combined visuals, shapes and text, subtly reflecting them. 
I especially like the piece you created for 'Blisters 2014', depicting moments from The National song 'Pink Rabbits’. The piece shows you’re in-depth understanding of the song, representing a number of themes without over describing or over working, I love how you’ve used negative space/shape of a mans head to your advantage to communicate how all these thoughts and feelings are going on in he’s head. 

I am currently working on a piece to bring awareness to organ donation by illustrating one mans journey, and positive future since having a heart transplant at the age of 9, is there any advice you could offer me to undergo this brief? - How do you suggest I go about selecting what information to communicate without over complicating the illustration? 
How do you manage to keep your work fresh? Do you need to consciously revise your style or does it progress naturally?

Thank you for your time, 
Rebecca Williamson 

i havent yet got feedback from this email yet.

though i read this email a number of times, I'm really annoyed at myself for addressing him as 'Pete' as after looking on he's site URL it is addressed 'Peter strain'. i hope this doesnt reflect badly on me, coming across cheeky and too informal.

i really tried to incorporate pointers/tips made by 'live hard-how to talk to you're hero's' such as being inquisitive about their and therefore showing you are generally interested. also putting across that i 'know what i am talking about' in the sense that i have my own work/practice i have been developing for a good time and haven't just got into something at the last minute.

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