Tuesday 10 November 2015

notes from portfolio group tutorial with Patrick

the jump from a student creative - professional creative 

web based portfolio:
  • website - vital needs to be robust and link to social media, contact details, blog - punchy, responsive (anaysis) 
  •  draws in
  • link social media to website - separate from personal life.
  • separate email accounts?
  • within web you can have sub categories to show certain types of work 

print based portfolio:
  •  direct, intimate
  • core portfolio of 10 images headlining work I’ve been doing  - from this i can build and reshape when nessesary
  • maximum A3 portfolio - 
  • if your working in print its essensial to show a print. 
  • invest money in it. - it will pay off when you get clients through. 
  • no working drawing - all end products. 
  • generate more then 2 portfolios - to tailor to client 
    swamping with enormous about of visuals will confuse

need to write a personal statement - 5 or 6 sentences, put on website etc
how would you describe your self 

take a testimonial from clients 

need to be professionally ready by MAY

start thinking about area i could go into:
  • identify the business, identify money - email them through your contact email from your website. introduce yourself, polite show your work. link to web 
  • take portfolio -tailor what you show to client research you have undertaken, they would expect you to know about them.
have a look at what they’ve previously done/used - show you can reflect this type of work (as they may be looking to carry on) they will be flattered that you’ve already looked at their work) but show them you can go in other avenues. 
  • could possibly ask for a visual steer in email before hand so you know what to take. ‘is there anything you want me to thing about, prepare for?’

style guide:
it is all coming from the same source and is obvious its coming from the same source - 
simple is best 
who you are what you do

AUDIT- round up, take stock of what i am doing - the work itself will catologue itsself naturally and themes should start appearing.
edit down to 10 image- from different themes - the most indicative. think about why each piece is good - SO you can communicate and explain specific pieces the best you can. 
this will help clarify the type of work you should be producing from now on. 
be Objective
consistancy - content and approach and always QUALITY.

research into websites you like - but on blog 

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