Sunday 17 May 2015

OUIL502 PPP module evaluation

I found this years PPP has been really beneficial in my development as an illustrator in terms of branding and the industry itself. It has definitely addressed the key concerns of mine that I have perhaps been to scared or ignorant to think about, like the big question of ‘what happens after I graduate?’ though at times I found the PPP sessions quite confusing and theoretical, especially learning about service sectors and creative industry, I appreciate that this is an important part of business.
 I have found the weekly session with John very helpful and have learnt a great deal about self-promotion and things to look out for when dealing with a client such as copy write, legislation, pricing of work.  Though I could not of asked for better advice, I still struggled with the idea of defining my practice in the form of a promo pack, let alone defining myself! I am a very indecisive and hesitant person, which made it difficult for me to come up with new work to visually communicate myself or choose from my existing work to do so.
However I persisted and focused on myself as an illustrator and a person, which allowed me to figure out what message I want my promo pack to communicate about myself. This process has made me still back and think about  design style and where I feel my strengths lie, something I should do more often as it has allowed me to focus and develop on what works and what does not.
I feel content with my promo pack that is represents me, as a person and as a creative.

Because I am dyslexic, I find it hard to communicate myself well which does not help my confidence, something which I feel hold me back from branching out and talking to people about my work, especially professionals as I do not want to appear stupid. Thankfully, the main thing I taken from this module, especially creative presence is confidence. I feel a lot more confident to approach others or contact professionals now I have learnt how to deliver questions and myself appropriately. I also feel reassured that this is hard for everyone and you have to start somewhere! I plan to start with emails, which will hopefully allow me to build a relationship up with clients or professionals which will with any luck make me feel more relaxed when meeting them or talking to them on the phone.

I have also set up a number of social media sites presenting my work, something I would have been to embarrassed to do last year due to lack of confidence in my work especially with such strong competition. The feedback and comments I have got of the back of these has given me more faith in my work, encouraging me to keep it up!

I feel I can now call myself an illustrator, though I obviously illustrated in first year I still felt unsure about what an ‘illustrator’ does and how they become successful In their profession.
I feel I have grown up from last year, when discussing ideas and the industry with peers and tutors I feel more like a practitioner rather than a student.

I am clearer of how to persist in a career in illustration whereas I felt clueless about this in first year, which was one of my main concerns, before, I new I loved to illustrate but was unsure how my skills could be put towards a potential career.

I think a strength of mine this year it that I have made a point in blogging each lecture we have been given, which allows me to go back and remember key points about branding, and the industry etc I will need to know for future reference.

I think my main weakness within creative strategy and my work ethic, as a whole is not getting someone to proof read my work before printing. Annoyingly I always find one mistake I miss no matter how many times I proof read. This cost me in money but also vital time.
With my promo pack, I wish I has experimented or revised the paper stock before printing as I feel the paper I have printed my creative cv (the pack) onto is not idea for transportation as I t It marks very, very easily resulting in the pack looking grubby, especially with it being a white background.

I feel the most vital thing I have taken from this year is to drop the attitude that work will come to me when I finish uni, I now no it is all down to me branding and getting myself out there for potential clients to see. This is something I need to be working on from now onwards!

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