Wednesday 6 May 2015

final ideas for promo pack

my idea for my promo pack is to go off a net simular to this. with the opening flaps i will have my full figure drawing speed across the 2 so when the pack is opened my body splits and reveals everything about me as a practitioner. 

idea oh how the front of my promo pack will look un-opened. 

because i plan to create stickers to go inside my pack, i thought about adding one to  seal my pack as john suggested sending a pack with a seal as clients get excited to open something first which can't be put back together once opened (like the excitement you get when you get a letter!) 

first net design layout of pack: i wanted to contain all my cv information onto the pack so it is sort of unavoidable like a piece of paper would be...i also thought a cv in a letter format is predictable which doesn't scream creativity.

talking to peers and Fred about the contents of my promo pack made me rethink and remember what the actual point of a promo pack was for - to showcase my practice, i think before i was getting side tracked thinking about mechanise and the concept of my pack (a pack of illustration tools) which would be confusing and a hassle to get my hands on when all i really needed was to apply my work onto things that would promote and show my work. so i have decided to choose 3 things - postcards: which can show different pieces of my work to show the variety in my practice. stickers: with my brand name and self portrait promo pack logo on to strike recognition to my pack when stuck to random places. And business cards: which also contains my portrait on with relevant contact information.

though i do like the idea of applying my work onto unusual and usable merchandise such as rubbers, pens, i think this became a confusing and difficult task for me as my illustration style is detailed an figurative which i think cannot be appreciated on such small mechanise unlike say repeated pattern designs or comic/character design.  

when writing out the appropriate text i wanted to include in my creative cv i felt there was too much to cram onto the 2 opening flaps which would not be appealing to the viewer as it would be overwhelming and the text would take the focus of the content. therefore i have added to extra flaps which can contain writing on the inside aswell.
i feel this idea is more beneficial to my packs security aswell as it contains the content. 

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