Sunday 10 May 2015

creative cv information


Leeds College of Art
September 2013 to present
-BA (Hons) Illustration

Kendal college – Art Design and Media
September 2012 – June 2013
Art And Design Foundation Diploma
Distinction gained

Kirkbie Kendal School
September 2010 – July 2012
Art – A* , Graphic Design - B, Media – C

Kirkbie Kendal School
September 2005- July 2010
10 grades A - C

Creative Skills:
·      Attention to detail
·      Appreciation of realism
·      Collaboration of medias
·      Keen learner
·      Computer skills
·      Adobe Creative suite skills.
·      Attentive with layout and composition

      Good time management
      Creative problem solver
      Good communication skills
      Team player
      Research and Development

Within my practice I enjoy creating detailed work about people or subjects that have a profound story behind them, I like to convey deeper meanings within my work to illustrate a stronger thought-provoking concept by gathering substantial research to gain a better understanding. I hope that by exploring subjects intently, my illustrations will express my empathy towards the matter and justify them.
When I am not enthralled in my illustrations, you would usually find me with my other passions in life; friends, family, walking (to the fridge), traveling and singing in the shower – a daily ritual.
I first realized a creative career was for me at 7 after spending my inter first holiday abroad illustrating our daily adventures – my mum was not amused with the drawing of her falling out of the dingy…
I am a self-motivated perfectionist who always aspires to work to the best of my abilities. I am both organized and punctual with my work commitments expressing my enthusiastic and driven personality. Although I usually work independently, I am not afraid to throw myself into collaborative work to challenge my creativity and learn new skills. I consider myself a very reliable and responsible individual who is friendly and approachable. 

Work Experience:
Lighthouse Café restaurant –June 2014 - September 2014 and June 2013 - September 2013
Responsibilities: serving customers, handling money, food preparation, cleaning
Topshop - September 2010 - September 2013
Responsibilities: Customer service, manning the tills, handling deliveries, creative visual merchandising, painting displays.

Rebecca Williamson
1 Thompson Fold Lupton Carnforth, LA6 2PP

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