Tuesday 16 February 2016

Presentation and group tutorial with Ben

represented by heart agency

you don't have to be in London

if you get editorial work
pricing is usually set
£125 quarter page, cover £800
being successful in editorial is repeat business.

other side if practice is book publishing.
clockwork orange - won the competition which got his work in front of director of folio society

a lot of publications that exists within corporate business - only really get these jobs through agents - as you cant really get your work infront of these type of people/businesses yourself.

ask about how he secured a agent.

keep website simple
make it your own
bring file sizes down so it appears straight away.

make work you feel with appeal to certain agencies you want to contact
make sure your emails are catered to indiviuals

dan fearne
david hughes

he reads a lot of theory/essays about surrealism to influence his work - semiotics

penguin competition are grate things to put in your portfolio
- gets work out - domino effect

other side of practice

works with underground press - unpaid
only do things for free if you feel its beneficial to your practice.

dont do editorial work for free as designers get paid so why shouldn't you?

have things your passionate about in your portfolio aswell as competition stuff - the key to be an illustration is individuality


important to stay mates with people from illustration

look at book publishers - find them on linked-in
commisions that are your kind of style

buy AOI contact list

re-usage of illustrations happens quite a lot (clients reprint) you get % each time it gets re-printed.
question (if you have to sort this yourself) and it gets reprinted how do you work out costs? royalties?
1 publish only 
if you are getting it published by a publisher have to get paid 
make a invoice 
ask if he is planning on sending it to publishers 

get a list of 50 you want to speak to

send your work out - don't just email

portfolio / work
keep it small so there are likely to keep it and carry it around or on their desk
portfolio on disk or memory sticks

a client wants to see how they can put it onto context

agency with 40 people max  - keep asking the same ones!

Bill Brang

heart agency
handsome frank



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