Monday 1 February 2016

contacting organ donation

i'm considering sending off my project from COP to organ donation organisation in the hope it could be considered as awareness campaign.

however i am dubious weather a sensitive subject campaign would be straightforward, also i didn't have much luck when contacting organ donation charity when i contacting them relating to my dissertation topic. :-

Chat conversation start
Hi, I have chosen to base my dissertation on the importance of organ donation and wondered weather you would be able to inform me of the current state of organ donation. I am an illustration student and am partially interested in how imagery can have a personal and empathetic impact on others and would love to be able to visually communicate a individuals case study and bring much needed attention to organ donation within my work. I would really appreciate any help you could give me. Thank you! Rebecca Williamson
Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for your query. I have attached a link which may help you. However, if you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us again and we can certainly help you further. All the best with your dissertation and your promotion of organ donation - Deborah.
Hi again smile emoticon,
i am underway with my dissertation i mentioned to you before which is discussing the need for increasing awareness of organ donation. For the practical element of my dissertation, i was hoping to illustrate individuals stories, to encourage empathy and hopefully lead to more people signing up to the register.

I was wondering whether you could help me, or put me in contact with someone who would be willing to speak to me and share their experience which i could document though delicate illustrations.

I was thinking about potentially creating a small book, drawing from several photographs which can be scanned and send to me which show milestones from a persons life, both good and bad, and teaming them up with quotes about these specific parts of their life, or how they was feeling in these photographs/point in their life. I plan to do this with a few people – If I can find willing participants.

i very much take pride in producing work which has a important and sensitive subject matter. i have previously worked with St. George's Crypt, the homeless shelter in Leeds where i illustrated a individuals journey to emphasise that the homeless should not be stereotyped.
here it the link to this work so can see the type of illustrations i could be creating.
Rebecca Williamson Illustration

thank you very much for your time,

Rebecca Williamson
Ba Hons Illustration student, leeds collage of art
Hi Rebecca, thank you for contacting us again and I apologise for our delayed response. I would be happy to pass this onto our team who will be able to help you further. Would you please send me your address and preferred telephone number to allow them to contact you? We would like to wish you the best of luck with your dissertation and your future studies - Arlene
Hi, no problem! thanks for getting back in touch. That would be great, my phone number is 07711062213 and my address is 77 cardigan lane leeds, LS4 2LN. thank you very much for your help - Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca for that information. I have now passed this on to the relevant team who will be in contact with you directly. Again, many thanks for your support and we wish you the best - Deborah.

Hi Rebecca

Thanks for getting in touch and for your interest in organ donation and transplantation. Thanks for sending over your email address. Unfortunately we don't currently have the resources to be able to help with your query, we have to focus on media enquiries.

There are lots of hospitals and charities involved in organ donation and transplantation, so another organisation may be able to help. I am not clear whether you are looking for an organ donor’s family or a recipient of a transplant or someone waiting for a transplant or something else for your project. If it is an organ donor try the Donor Family Network, a charity. If you are after a recipient or someone waiting then your best bet is one of the transplant centres, see the link to find a list - The Transplant Sport UK charity could help with inspirational transplant recipients.

Sorry we can't be of further help and good luck with your dissertation, it sounds very interesting.


Cherry Brown
Senior Media and PR Officer – Media and PR
NHS Blood and Transplant

however, as Cherry mentioned, they deal with media inquiries... would my campaign come under media?

i am glad i have made this contact and she is in my mail list as this means i will be able to email her back directly about my work being used for a potential campaign.

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