Tuesday 9 February 2016

Monday 8th february- meeting with woman i contacted for my FMp and taking part in intergenerational project

i went along to Milnthorpe Primary school today where i was able to get involved in the intergenerational creative event between the elderly and young school children.
helping the children with the arts and craft allowed the old people to lend a hand and share stories and skills with the children, it was also a great opportunity for me to speak to the elderly whilst busy making things.
i got talking to one elderly man John who was 92 years old! it was great listening to the stories he was sharing with the children who also seemed fascinated by him (especially when he was telling them about his scars from the war etc) it was really nice to see the two generations really enjoying each others company , making me even more determined to bring awareness to elderly isolation and lack of communication between young people and the elderly.
after speaking to john and his career, i have swapped contact details with them to arrange a time i can meet up again in a quieter setting and talk to john properly and find out more about his life.

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