Tuesday 9 February 2016

Monday 8th Feb - meeting with woman i contacted for my Final Major Project

when taking part in the intergeneration awareness project at Milnthorpe school today, i also had the opportunity to speak to other artistic people who were also interested in social issues.
after the event i joined a few people for a coffee, this allowed me to talk to them in a more informal relax environment. i found one woman, pat, had her own studio in kendal (where i live) she's was an older woman so feel she will have a lot of experience from a artistic career so it would be good to speak to her again and see where and what she has done in her career to then be able to settle down later in live in a steady studio space back in kendal - something i feel i would like to do in the future, return back to a smaller town when im older.

i also met with two other woman who work as full time artist with their own studios, but also work with kendal window on arts when projects come their way. - again this seemed something i would enjoy. working freelance but also being involved in projects with other artists in projects to promote change and awareness.

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