Monday 22 February 2016

Joel Penkman

after my tutorial with ben today, he showed me Joel penkmans work as he show similarities with our way of working (detail, singular illustrations with negative space). - i had already come across Joels work before, she is one artist who inspired me not to give up with realism or 'just' drawing something to its likeness as it made me see their is a audience for this type of work as she is so successful there her skill is obviously appreciated.

what craft means to Joel Penkman
To me craft is the process of making something by hand while demonstrating skill and care. People are making less than ever in our consumer society so when someone takes the time to craft something unique it’s appreciated and stands out. The internet has been key in spreading the word and bringing people with similar interests together – with it, makers can easily share their crafts and learn from what others are doing.
To me craft is the process of making something by hand while demonstrating skill and care. People are making less than ever in our consumer society so when someone takes the time to craft something unique it’s appreciated and stands out. The internet has been key in spreading the word and bringing people with similar interests together – with it, makers can easily share their crafts and learn from what others are doing.

Emailing Joel: 

A Reply! 

Thanks so much for such a quick and considerate response, 

 I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my work, your advice is really useful…Art Inc. has been ordered!  I’ve also set up a website and currently aiming to set up a private blog as you’ve suggested to widen my online presence, if you would like to see more of my work it would be great to keep in touch:

I very much feel the same about selling work, I’ve only had a couple of client based jobs which have been quite overwhelming and confusing to get my head around, taking the joy out of the practical illustration.
Finding and contacting agents is proving a bit of an issue for me so if you have any advice on this area that would be great!
If you have any opportunities for a collaboration project it would be a privilege to work with you. 

Thanks again for your time and words of encouragement.
Best wishes,

Rebecca :) 

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