Sunday 7 February 2016

contacting people for my Finally major Project - focused on the elderly

 Im Rebecca, your daughter Lucy passed on your email to me hope thats ok! thanks for agreeing to speak to me about my current FMP project working to build a body of work to bring awareness to the elderly. I did some work with you as part of age uk when I was in sixth form, I was wondering if there were any events coming up in the local area which I could attend with you and get the chance to speak to a few elderly people first hand? It would be a great help! 
 i really enjoy producing work with a cause and potential benefit to society. I've attached some of my previous
 work below. To try and stop the stereotyping of homeless people, i spoke to individuals about their personal story of how they became homeless which i then communicated through my illustrations. 

 I've also worked on a project to bring awareness to organ donation by focusing on one individuals story and achievements since receiving a heart transplant at the age of 9. 
 i would love to be able to achieve something similar with this project, i want my work to make people remember how each elderly person is different and has amazing and interesting stories to share about their lives and that we should not forget about them. 
 Awaiting your reply, 


Hi Rebecca

Lovely to hear from you! Your work sounds and looks great and is highly relevant to projects I'm currently working on, so there'd be lots of opportunities for you to collaborate in, for you to consider..

I work with lots of different organisations as a community artist but a large part of my time is currently spent running intergenerational projects with local arts charity Kendal Windows on Art(KWoA). During these KWoA projects we liaise with different communities and organisations including local schools, community centres, Age UK, older people's groups and older individuals. We've currently got projects running in several Cumbrian communities looking at encouraging older people to get to know their younger neighbours to help reduce social isolation. All the KWoA activities listed below are linked to Age UK support.

There's various KWoA events/activities that you're very welcome to come along to if you're free:

Monday Feb 8th ..short notice I know, but fab if you are able to come along as mega exciting.. Border TV are making a short film about our KWoA work in Milnthorpe looking at inviting older people into community events in school to improve the health and wellbeing of lonely older people. If you're free you can come along and be in the film supporting the intergenerational activities or watch the filming if you prefer. You won't have time to chat with the older people as it'll be a busy filming session but you'd be part of something potentially exciting (I can explain more when the film is shown on TV wc Feb 29th). If you're not free on Monday I'll update you about this project wc Feb 29th.

Wednesday Feb 10th... 2pm Parish Hall Kendal, I'm taking Vicarage Park school children to meet Mothers Union members(70s, 80s,90s) for a hour to show and share sewing skills. Another busy session but you're welcome to join in the fun.

We're also running a 2 year project with Kirkbarrow community in Kendal working with Ghyllside School, Kirkbie Kendal School, older Kirkbarrow residents, older Parish Hall users, older Cross Lane residents, visually impaired(mixed ages) at the Gateway Centre etc. As part of this project on..
March 23rd 2 - 3pm KKS Yr 7s are going to help at a history themed event/music/meal for about 40 older Kirkbarrow residents. Another busy session but lots in join in with or observe.

For your project. I realise that you might want to chat to older people in quieter settings as the intergenerational sessions are fun and busy but rarely quiet due to the excitement of the younger children, and older people too! I know of older people's coffee meetings at the Parish Church where we could arrange for you to chat, or they'll be other regular older people's meetings/coffee mornings with different groups across Kendal I could chat to, to arrange for you to visiting them.

All depends how much time/what focus/what activities suit your project best. KWoA could also offer you exhibition opportunities if you'd like to show your work linked to older people themes as part of our community exhibition programme and/or online blogs/features etc.

That was the long answer to your email. The shorter answer is Yes, I can help and Yes please, KWoA would love for you to collaborate with us!

Let me know what you think.


 Thanks for getting back to me Nicki, hope You're well! 
 Oh that's brilliant, KWoA and All the projects sound really interesting, perfect for my project
 and interest in art in general!  I would love to come along to that, I should be in uni but I will email my tutor to see I am Able to miss a few days.
 Arranging to go to the coffee meetings to speak to the older people sounds great, or even
 if you know of any Older people who would be happy to speak to me and share their stories! I work from photographs so it would be great if I could take photographs - don't know if this would be acceptable?! 
 I have until the end April to finish my project before exhibiting in my end of year show in May :) 
  I am very interested in being part of the community art exhibition! Sounds like a great opportunity.
 I am open to suggestions on what to communicate through my work if there are particular areas or
 themes AWoA want to highlight? 
 Thanks so much for being so helpful. 

Hi Rebecca

So glad that you'd like to get involved with KWoA intergenerational activities - it would be great if you are able to come to either or both events this week. You're welcome to forward my emails to your tutor or send them my email address if that helps. I'm hoping it wouldn't cause any inconvenience with your course if you can come to the activities on Monday(tomorrow!) and/or Wednesday.

If you'd like to be involved in the filming activities in Milnthorpe tomorrow, everyone's coming along to Milnthorpe Primary School for 10.30am ready for Border TV who are coming 11 - 1 approx. If it's difficult to get to and from Milnthorpe from Kendal, just let me know and I can give you a lift - I'll be leaving Kendal 9am then should be coming back about 2pm. The 10.30 - 11 slot would be a great time for you for a gentle chat with the older people to help them get settled. I'm more than happy for you to photograph the older people if they give you permission but it'll be a stressful day for Milnthorpe school staff so might not be a good day to ask about parental permission for photographing the children.

You're welcome to be in the filming or observe the filming whichever you prefer. You can help with the art activities or you might want to be in the activities sketching one of the older people, then if Border TV film it, you might end up in the film with a strong link to your project? Bring paper, pens etc if you'd like the option to draw.

On Wednesday, the children and I should be arriving at the Parish Hall just before 2pm so we could meet you there. Again you may be able to photograph the older people but not the children on the day due to needing parental permission.

If you are able to come to both or one of these then we'll have time to chat more about your project, arranging for you to meet further older people to chat to and photograph in quieter settings, exhibiting, themes to communicate, possible opportunities for volunteer and paid creative work in the autumn etc.

***As it would be handy to know about if you can come tomorrow asap (lovely to see you if you can but realise it's very short notice), so could you text me today if possible on 07769 185057 pronto! ***

Chat soon


this is great!!  it just shows the opportunities a email/getting in touch with someone could present. 

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