Monday 29 February 2016

experimenting with Applying logo design onto business cards effectively

Planning (short term) life after uni

though i have enjoyed the last 4 years (6 years counting art in sixth form) in creative education, i would like to take the time to open myself up to other experiences i haven't yet had such as traveling to different places and culture before i go straight into a working routine. i hope by taking a step back by passion for the subject (illustrating will become more obvious to me (i feel it has become a choir recently) and by experiencing different places will hopefully inspire my creative thinking.

me and my friend have planed our route of travel for this July and August around Europe:

Monday 22 February 2016

Joel Penkman

after my tutorial with ben today, he showed me Joel penkmans work as he show similarities with our way of working (detail, singular illustrations with negative space). - i had already come across Joels work before, she is one artist who inspired me not to give up with realism or 'just' drawing something to its likeness as it made me see their is a audience for this type of work as she is so successful there her skill is obviously appreciated.

what craft means to Joel Penkman
To me craft is the process of making something by hand while demonstrating skill and care. People are making less than ever in our consumer society so when someone takes the time to craft something unique it’s appreciated and stands out. The internet has been key in spreading the word and bringing people with similar interests together – with it, makers can easily share their crafts and learn from what others are doing.
To me craft is the process of making something by hand while demonstrating skill and care. People are making less than ever in our consumer society so when someone takes the time to craft something unique it’s appreciated and stands out. The internet has been key in spreading the word and bringing people with similar interests together – with it, makers can easily share their crafts and learn from what others are doing.

Emailing Joel: 

A Reply! 

Thanks so much for such a quick and considerate response, 

 I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my work, your advice is really useful…Art Inc. has been ordered!  I’ve also set up a website and currently aiming to set up a private blog as you’ve suggested to widen my online presence, if you would like to see more of my work it would be great to keep in touch:

I very much feel the same about selling work, I’ve only had a couple of client based jobs which have been quite overwhelming and confusing to get my head around, taking the joy out of the practical illustration.
Finding and contacting agents is proving a bit of an issue for me so if you have any advice on this area that would be great!
If you have any opportunities for a collaboration project it would be a privilege to work with you. 

Thanks again for your time and words of encouragement.
Best wishes,

Rebecca :) 


what should i put in porfolios
go on aoi
jimmy terell
joel penkman
capturing things that may get ignored

folio- childrens book

Sunday 21 February 2016

brand logo

i wanted to get rid of my portrait for my brand, though people say it looks like me, people who dont know me want know if it looks like me or not, therefor the concept is lost. 
so i thought about drawing pencils instead- this communicates my practice in terms of the process i use and the way i use it - detailed,
i decided to choose pencils which have been chewed (the pencils i use the most) this communicates a bit of me, making it more personal. 

Tuesday 16 February 2016

looking for advice on royalties from Amanda Halls website

 I  have currently been offered a book illustration job and the agent has asked about royalties . I would like royalties but how do I go a about this and what do I say to the agent?

A - First of all, the publisher should make it clear to you – and to your agent – whether this book is on a flat fee or a royalty basis. Most trade publishers offer royalties to authors and illustrators, while some educational publishers don’t. If your contract is on a royalty basis, this means that you get a % share of the profits from the book sales. While you are actually doing the work a non returnable advance on the royalties is paid to you, so that you have something to live on while you are creating the work. The payment of the advance is usually broken down into three stages, so if the advance was for £10,000 or $10,000 you would get one third on signature of the contract, one third on approval of finished roughs and one third on delivery and approval of final artwork. You would then receive royalty statements from the publisher every 6 months after the book is published, which will offset the amount the book has earned during that 6 month period from your advance. You would then start to get additional royalties when your original advance has been ‘earned out’. You may well know all this already, if not your agent should certainly be able to tell you more – it’s surprising that they haven’t already put you in the picture. It is usually better to get a royalty based contract if you can and if the publisher are willing – and they may not be in the final analysis, but your agent should be fighting to get that for you if they possibly can – I hope they are, as that is part of their job and one of the reasons why you pay them commission! Every contract is different and clauses can often be negotiated to get the best terms for you as the artist, again, speak to your agent about this specific contract.

thinking about royalities

 need to find out about publishing so i can sort out contract, legality stuff for the childrens book brief client.
to do: go into waterstones or find illustrator of a book and message them about their conditions of sale for advice.

 ask what they did / how they got started

look at main publishers

guides for self publishing

Aggie has done something similar!
Speak to her about book publishing from the book she illustrated for NHS on kidney transplants – paid there an then or did she get royalties

taking note from Aggies Email from illustrator Contact!:

So mainly I would advice to go with a flat fee., you want to make sure you get some sort of a payment and not rely on "just royalties" ..if they offer no advance it's not a good sign., so let them know you'd like to have a flat fee and ask them for some details including their budget: 

If they had already sent you an offer in numbers figure out a way to see if it works for you..if it's way too low but you'd still want to do the book then you can say something like ‘It's a very nice book however the budget is too low..putting in mind the number of pages + cover I would usually ask for $(whatever is fair for you ) per page (or per spread) and $ for cover which makes the optimal budget way higher than what you have offered ..but putting that aside, would you please consider raising your budget to any point? I'd like to know if it's possible and I'd love to work with you..let me know your thoughts and we'll discuss it..thanks"

If they come back with a better offer thafs good ..your call now..or you can alter it to raise it to the closest zeros (ex: if they offer 18 you say let's make it a 20 and we have a deal..can we?) ...and get things going :)

Once all that is sorted make sure to say you usually take a percentage upfront., it could be 30% now or 50% now 2 parts or 3 ..or sometimes it's after you send sketches and the approve it then they send you the percentage.depends.ask them for any kind of upfront money .

As my curent contact/communication with the childrens book client has been informal as we are friends (friend of a friend) i am finding it difficult appoach the serious matters of payment etc, especially as he has not done anything like this before either, neither of us know the right things to do or how to specifically go about things - i also dont want to make it awkward of seem rude when asking about money! 

ways i could approach the idea of royalties etc before sending an offical invoice form: 

Have you any publishers in mind to ask to print and distribute the book?

I’m asking as we need to consider how to deal with any royalties, given the work has taken a great 

deal of time to produce, it would be good to come to an arrangement where I could possibly recoup 

some costs if the opportunity arises.

Let me know what your thoughts are then we can sort it out. 

invoice set up (draft! - not made to look nice and creative yet!) 

messaging Client (Angus)

Hey Angus hows things? I’ve more or less finished the 10 illustrations you asked for for the book! 
I was just wondering if you’ve got any publishers in mind to print and distribute the book? Only because I’ve been told by my tutor  I would need to discuss royalties with you given the work has take a great deal of time to produce, so would be great to come to some sort of arrangement where I could possibly recoup some of the costs if the opportunities arises when/if it comes to be sold. 

let me know what your thought are and we can sort something out  x

Presentation and group tutorial with Ben

represented by heart agency

you don't have to be in London

if you get editorial work
pricing is usually set
£125 quarter page, cover £800
being successful in editorial is repeat business.

other side if practice is book publishing.
clockwork orange - won the competition which got his work in front of director of folio society

a lot of publications that exists within corporate business - only really get these jobs through agents - as you cant really get your work infront of these type of people/businesses yourself.

ask about how he secured a agent.

keep website simple
make it your own
bring file sizes down so it appears straight away.

make work you feel with appeal to certain agencies you want to contact
make sure your emails are catered to indiviuals

dan fearne
david hughes

he reads a lot of theory/essays about surrealism to influence his work - semiotics

penguin competition are grate things to put in your portfolio
- gets work out - domino effect

other side of practice

works with underground press - unpaid
only do things for free if you feel its beneficial to your practice.

dont do editorial work for free as designers get paid so why shouldn't you?

have things your passionate about in your portfolio aswell as competition stuff - the key to be an illustration is individuality


important to stay mates with people from illustration

look at book publishers - find them on linked-in
commisions that are your kind of style

buy AOI contact list

re-usage of illustrations happens quite a lot (clients reprint) you get % each time it gets re-printed.
question (if you have to sort this yourself) and it gets reprinted how do you work out costs? royalties?
1 publish only 
if you are getting it published by a publisher have to get paid 
make a invoice 
ask if he is planning on sending it to publishers 

get a list of 50 you want to speak to

send your work out - don't just email

portfolio / work
keep it small so there are likely to keep it and carry it around or on their desk
portfolio on disk or memory sticks

a client wants to see how they can put it onto context

agency with 40 people max  - keep asking the same ones!

Bill Brang

heart agency
handsome frank


Wednesday 10 February 2016

Derwent Drawing Competition

Patick pointed me to this competition which celebrates the process of drawing using pencils -ideal for me.
as their isn't a specific brief to follow and the deadline is not till june, i plan to submit a piece from my Big Kahoona brief where i plan to illustrate portraits of elderly people. - so pressures on to make them look good!

it would be great to be recognised by this competition as it relates to my practice therefore the people judging will know contacts who use my type of work and therefore will put me into contact with benificial people!

Emailing Sadlers Wells

from my group tutorial with patrict and my Final major project, he suggested getting in touch with Sadlers Wells, a performing arts company in london, as they run a program for older people who want to dance called the 'company of elders'

'The internationally renowned Company of Elders is the Creative Learning department's resident over-60s performance company, proving since 1989 that it's never too late to start dancing!'

he suggested i showed them my work and purpose an opportunities for commissioned work i could produce for them to highlight and appreciate the 'company of elders'

I am a final year illustration student at Leeds College of Art, my practice revolves around depicting people and their situations. I use photographs, illustrations and quotes from the subjects about the issues being raised to give the artwork a personal perspective and depth. I have included an example of my work to show how I draw, taking inspiration from photographs – the attached images illustrate a project involving a person who had undergone a heart transplant who is now a keen runner. The purpose of the artworks was to raise awareness around the need for people to sign up to the organ donor register. (Other examples of my work can be found at: )

Currently I am undertaking a project to raise awareness about the elderly which relates to loneliness and isolation from the community. I am interested in exploring ways that this sector of society can be valued and involved in exciting and social projects, your ‘Company of Elders’ project has interested me as a possible topic to illustrate.

Do you know of any opportunities at Sadler's Wells where I could engage in some commission based illustration work to help celebrate, highlight and document the events and activities which you deliver and you support / further develop your existing campaign.  

Many thanks for your time!

Rebecca Williamson 

Tuesday 9 February 2016

PPP session with patrick

focused work another year

make the most of emailing now

printed pack
letter head (name logo info about you 0 invoices, reminders etc)
update creative cv - creative proffesional  experience, skills you offer
show the person you are


big heads - look online

ideally 30-40 people contact
invite to degree show




LOTTERY FUNDING - ART COUNCILS research and development bids
allows to research project working on in the future.

community art centres
donut of despire

local national nhs - in-charge of marketing education.
hidden challanges for education

historical document
image document
explain what i want to do
who is the end user
informing people around
think about message i want to deliver -

bisto together project
spare chair

work along side story tellers

self published thing

look into collage funded project

letter of introduction
help and work within charity (help centre) community.

don't have to work with them directly - work with photographers journalist

saddlers wells - theatre

- trust
helping documenting
partnership and collaboration

saddlers wells
companies of elders
clair chapwell

could do a whole reportage thing on just one person

robert Longo

interesting in doing commissioning work
relating to the current events you hold for elderly people.

riot sqaud - message and use Patrick as contact , ask for creative advise

derwent drawing comps

amnesty comp - DN&D

leeds gallery - opens exhibition

white cloth gallery leeds

health careers in the nhs - contact form

art managment/ coordination

Monday 8th february- meeting with woman i contacted for my FMp and taking part in intergenerational project

i went along to Milnthorpe Primary school today where i was able to get involved in the intergenerational creative event between the elderly and young school children.
helping the children with the arts and craft allowed the old people to lend a hand and share stories and skills with the children, it was also a great opportunity for me to speak to the elderly whilst busy making things.
i got talking to one elderly man John who was 92 years old! it was great listening to the stories he was sharing with the children who also seemed fascinated by him (especially when he was telling them about his scars from the war etc) it was really nice to see the two generations really enjoying each others company , making me even more determined to bring awareness to elderly isolation and lack of communication between young people and the elderly.
after speaking to john and his career, i have swapped contact details with them to arrange a time i can meet up again in a quieter setting and talk to john properly and find out more about his life.

the art competition - instagram

each week the art competition asks for entries for art pieces revolving round a certain theme. when you post your piece they repost it which is create for establishing your work to their followers and hopefully gaining more followers. this week its harry potter.

things to draw:

hogwarts express
deathly hallows
choosing hat
red and yellow scalf

Monday 8th Feb - meeting with woman i contacted for my Final Major Project

when taking part in the intergeneration awareness project at Milnthorpe school today, i also had the opportunity to speak to other artistic people who were also interested in social issues.
after the event i joined a few people for a coffee, this allowed me to talk to them in a more informal relax environment. i found one woman, pat, had her own studio in kendal (where i live) she's was an older woman so feel she will have a lot of experience from a artistic career so it would be good to speak to her again and see where and what she has done in her career to then be able to settle down later in live in a steady studio space back in kendal - something i feel i would like to do in the future, return back to a smaller town when im older.

i also met with two other woman who work as full time artist with their own studios, but also work with kendal window on arts when projects come their way. - again this seemed something i would enjoy. working freelance but also being involved in projects with other artists in projects to promote change and awareness.

Sunday 7 February 2016

contacting people for my Finally major Project - focused on the elderly

 Im Rebecca, your daughter Lucy passed on your email to me hope thats ok! thanks for agreeing to speak to me about my current FMP project working to build a body of work to bring awareness to the elderly. I did some work with you as part of age uk when I was in sixth form, I was wondering if there were any events coming up in the local area which I could attend with you and get the chance to speak to a few elderly people first hand? It would be a great help! 
 i really enjoy producing work with a cause and potential benefit to society. I've attached some of my previous
 work below. To try and stop the stereotyping of homeless people, i spoke to individuals about their personal story of how they became homeless which i then communicated through my illustrations. 

 I've also worked on a project to bring awareness to organ donation by focusing on one individuals story and achievements since receiving a heart transplant at the age of 9. 
 i would love to be able to achieve something similar with this project, i want my work to make people remember how each elderly person is different and has amazing and interesting stories to share about their lives and that we should not forget about them. 
 Awaiting your reply, 


Hi Rebecca

Lovely to hear from you! Your work sounds and looks great and is highly relevant to projects I'm currently working on, so there'd be lots of opportunities for you to collaborate in, for you to consider..

I work with lots of different organisations as a community artist but a large part of my time is currently spent running intergenerational projects with local arts charity Kendal Windows on Art(KWoA). During these KWoA projects we liaise with different communities and organisations including local schools, community centres, Age UK, older people's groups and older individuals. We've currently got projects running in several Cumbrian communities looking at encouraging older people to get to know their younger neighbours to help reduce social isolation. All the KWoA activities listed below are linked to Age UK support.

There's various KWoA events/activities that you're very welcome to come along to if you're free:

Monday Feb 8th ..short notice I know, but fab if you are able to come along as mega exciting.. Border TV are making a short film about our KWoA work in Milnthorpe looking at inviting older people into community events in school to improve the health and wellbeing of lonely older people. If you're free you can come along and be in the film supporting the intergenerational activities or watch the filming if you prefer. You won't have time to chat with the older people as it'll be a busy filming session but you'd be part of something potentially exciting (I can explain more when the film is shown on TV wc Feb 29th). If you're not free on Monday I'll update you about this project wc Feb 29th.

Wednesday Feb 10th... 2pm Parish Hall Kendal, I'm taking Vicarage Park school children to meet Mothers Union members(70s, 80s,90s) for a hour to show and share sewing skills. Another busy session but you're welcome to join in the fun.

We're also running a 2 year project with Kirkbarrow community in Kendal working with Ghyllside School, Kirkbie Kendal School, older Kirkbarrow residents, older Parish Hall users, older Cross Lane residents, visually impaired(mixed ages) at the Gateway Centre etc. As part of this project on..
March 23rd 2 - 3pm KKS Yr 7s are going to help at a history themed event/music/meal for about 40 older Kirkbarrow residents. Another busy session but lots in join in with or observe.

For your project. I realise that you might want to chat to older people in quieter settings as the intergenerational sessions are fun and busy but rarely quiet due to the excitement of the younger children, and older people too! I know of older people's coffee meetings at the Parish Church where we could arrange for you to chat, or they'll be other regular older people's meetings/coffee mornings with different groups across Kendal I could chat to, to arrange for you to visiting them.

All depends how much time/what focus/what activities suit your project best. KWoA could also offer you exhibition opportunities if you'd like to show your work linked to older people themes as part of our community exhibition programme and/or online blogs/features etc.

That was the long answer to your email. The shorter answer is Yes, I can help and Yes please, KWoA would love for you to collaborate with us!

Let me know what you think.


 Thanks for getting back to me Nicki, hope You're well! 
 Oh that's brilliant, KWoA and All the projects sound really interesting, perfect for my project
 and interest in art in general!  I would love to come along to that, I should be in uni but I will email my tutor to see I am Able to miss a few days.
 Arranging to go to the coffee meetings to speak to the older people sounds great, or even
 if you know of any Older people who would be happy to speak to me and share their stories! I work from photographs so it would be great if I could take photographs - don't know if this would be acceptable?! 
 I have until the end April to finish my project before exhibiting in my end of year show in May :) 
  I am very interested in being part of the community art exhibition! Sounds like a great opportunity.
 I am open to suggestions on what to communicate through my work if there are particular areas or
 themes AWoA want to highlight? 
 Thanks so much for being so helpful. 

Hi Rebecca

So glad that you'd like to get involved with KWoA intergenerational activities - it would be great if you are able to come to either or both events this week. You're welcome to forward my emails to your tutor or send them my email address if that helps. I'm hoping it wouldn't cause any inconvenience with your course if you can come to the activities on Monday(tomorrow!) and/or Wednesday.

If you'd like to be involved in the filming activities in Milnthorpe tomorrow, everyone's coming along to Milnthorpe Primary School for 10.30am ready for Border TV who are coming 11 - 1 approx. If it's difficult to get to and from Milnthorpe from Kendal, just let me know and I can give you a lift - I'll be leaving Kendal 9am then should be coming back about 2pm. The 10.30 - 11 slot would be a great time for you for a gentle chat with the older people to help them get settled. I'm more than happy for you to photograph the older people if they give you permission but it'll be a stressful day for Milnthorpe school staff so might not be a good day to ask about parental permission for photographing the children.

You're welcome to be in the filming or observe the filming whichever you prefer. You can help with the art activities or you might want to be in the activities sketching one of the older people, then if Border TV film it, you might end up in the film with a strong link to your project? Bring paper, pens etc if you'd like the option to draw.

On Wednesday, the children and I should be arriving at the Parish Hall just before 2pm so we could meet you there. Again you may be able to photograph the older people but not the children on the day due to needing parental permission.

If you are able to come to both or one of these then we'll have time to chat more about your project, arranging for you to meet further older people to chat to and photograph in quieter settings, exhibiting, themes to communicate, possible opportunities for volunteer and paid creative work in the autumn etc.

***As it would be handy to know about if you can come tomorrow asap (lovely to see you if you can but realise it's very short notice), so could you text me today if possible on 07769 185057 pronto! ***

Chat soon


this is great!!  it just shows the opportunities a email/getting in touch with someone could present. 

Thursday 4 February 2016

Hello Harriet

'Hello, I'm Harriet. I love the internet and all things cute ...
Working from my home studio in Winchester {with my furry studio assistants Meeko & Yoshi}, I enjoy creating charming illustrations of memes and cats!
I set up Hello Harriet by accident in 2010, after graduating from a BA {hons} degree in Illustration I spent a few years working on becoming a freelance illustrator whilst earning some pennies at many less than desirable day-jobs, when a friend invited me to make some products for a christmas market ~ having the opportunity to apply my drawings on to actual products was really exciting and I quickly realised I loved the 'making' as much as the drawing. So I carried on making and opened Hello Harriet as a fun side project whilst I worked on my portfolio ... fast forward to 2012 and I'd released a new product on a whim, my temporary cat tattoos. Something crazy and incredible happened, I was able to quit my day job and abandon the freelance work {which I didn't enjoy much anyway!} to work on Hello Harriet full time. 
Turns out people really love cat tattoos! 
I welcome collaborations, wholesale enquiries, commissions, nice messages and cat videos, so do feel free to say hello! '

things to consider when messaging harriet. 
  • send a picture of my cat to my email 
  • how did she go about setting up her own business
  • who gave her the best advice on how to become successful 
  • mention collaboration for ycn - to show i can collaborate 
  • though i love being involved in projects that require research and a purpose - find drawing for the sake of drawing really refreshing. 

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Contacting JORDAN Andrew Carter

as this illustrator uses his full name as his brand name i accidentally addressed him using his middle name - worst thing i could possibly do!!

no wonder i haven't got a reply.... i may have to email and apologise to him, the annoying thing is i have been following for a long time, my dyslexia (or just plain stupidity) has won again! 

maybe if i email him informally and make a more person email he may respond to this and take sympathy?

contacting Minty Sainsbury

I've come across Minty Sainsbury's work a couple of times, i was immediately drawn to it as she too uses pencil with a lot of attention to detail. As her style hold a lot of resemblance to mine i decided to email her as she may have some tips on who to approach that are looking for detail illustrators, and the best platforms to show my work on. 
as she follows me on Instagram, i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce myself

Monday 1 February 2016

contacting organ donation

i'm considering sending off my project from COP to organ donation organisation in the hope it could be considered as awareness campaign.

however i am dubious weather a sensitive subject campaign would be straightforward, also i didn't have much luck when contacting organ donation charity when i contacting them relating to my dissertation topic. :-

Chat conversation start
Hi, I have chosen to base my dissertation on the importance of organ donation and wondered weather you would be able to inform me of the current state of organ donation. I am an illustration student and am partially interested in how imagery can have a personal and empathetic impact on others and would love to be able to visually communicate a individuals case study and bring much needed attention to organ donation within my work. I would really appreciate any help you could give me. Thank you! Rebecca Williamson
Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for your query. I have attached a link which may help you. However, if you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us again and we can certainly help you further. All the best with your dissertation and your promotion of organ donation - Deborah.
Hi again smile emoticon,
i am underway with my dissertation i mentioned to you before which is discussing the need for increasing awareness of organ donation. For the practical element of my dissertation, i was hoping to illustrate individuals stories, to encourage empathy and hopefully lead to more people signing up to the register.

I was wondering whether you could help me, or put me in contact with someone who would be willing to speak to me and share their experience which i could document though delicate illustrations.

I was thinking about potentially creating a small book, drawing from several photographs which can be scanned and send to me which show milestones from a persons life, both good and bad, and teaming them up with quotes about these specific parts of their life, or how they was feeling in these photographs/point in their life. I plan to do this with a few people – If I can find willing participants.

i very much take pride in producing work which has a important and sensitive subject matter. i have previously worked with St. George's Crypt, the homeless shelter in Leeds where i illustrated a individuals journey to emphasise that the homeless should not be stereotyped.
here it the link to this work so can see the type of illustrations i could be creating.
Rebecca Williamson Illustration

thank you very much for your time,

Rebecca Williamson
Ba Hons Illustration student, leeds collage of art
Hi Rebecca, thank you for contacting us again and I apologise for our delayed response. I would be happy to pass this onto our team who will be able to help you further. Would you please send me your address and preferred telephone number to allow them to contact you? We would like to wish you the best of luck with your dissertation and your future studies - Arlene
Hi, no problem! thanks for getting back in touch. That would be great, my phone number is 07711062213 and my address is 77 cardigan lane leeds, LS4 2LN. thank you very much for your help - Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca for that information. I have now passed this on to the relevant team who will be in contact with you directly. Again, many thanks for your support and we wish you the best - Deborah.

Hi Rebecca

Thanks for getting in touch and for your interest in organ donation and transplantation. Thanks for sending over your email address. Unfortunately we don't currently have the resources to be able to help with your query, we have to focus on media enquiries.

There are lots of hospitals and charities involved in organ donation and transplantation, so another organisation may be able to help. I am not clear whether you are looking for an organ donor’s family or a recipient of a transplant or someone waiting for a transplant or something else for your project. If it is an organ donor try the Donor Family Network, a charity. If you are after a recipient or someone waiting then your best bet is one of the transplant centres, see the link to find a list - The Transplant Sport UK charity could help with inspirational transplant recipients.

Sorry we can't be of further help and good luck with your dissertation, it sounds very interesting.


Cherry Brown
Senior Media and PR Officer – Media and PR
NHS Blood and Transplant

however, as Cherry mentioned, they deal with media inquiries... would my campaign come under media?

i am glad i have made this contact and she is in my mail list as this means i will be able to email her back directly about my work being used for a potential campaign.