Monday 8 December 2014

who are you?-what do you do? 8th December


presentation of 12 slides
12 - questions and summary
1- intro side

2- who we are(name),
3a, b and c (3 slides worth) -(what we want to do)- mission statement - our vision

4- business objectives
5- audience - who are our customers
6- describe the organisation
7-resources and equipment
9- funding

as a group we have set up a google drive presentation slide that we will all be able to edit. we ave given ourselves 2-3 slides each which we will focus on individually so we have a equal work load. we will discuss our ideas/infomation choice on our forum and through google drive.

legal costs:- 

  • setting up yourself, 
  • protecting your intellectual property, 
  • registering with companies house (if appropriate)(weather we can call ourselves things etc), 
  • using solicitors to look at your contracts, 
  • splitting profits making sure covered for insurance 

resource cost:-

  • how much capital expenditure in the first year
  • how much we will spend on materials, goods for sale, all down to chairs, tables, kettles for ht first 6 months (direct costs)printers ALSO INK thing about everything! 
  • how much will you spend on bills and overheads for the first 6 months - (indirect costs) 

marketing costs:-

  • costs of promoting your business for the first year

  • promotional costs - petrol, ink, printing, wifi 
finance costs:-

  • a grant? give evidence that you are eligible
  • if its a start up loan- what are the repayments 
  • overhead costs 
  • insurance costs 
  • preemies costs - check with insurance companies what you are liable to declare for insurance - i.e. working from home apply for business insurance so if your get robbed you claim on your business insurance to get refunded for equipment in your house etc. 
  • utilities, postage and it costs 
  • research and development costs - visiting places, museums galleries etc 
  • equipment costs 
  • material costs 
  • maintenance costs finance costs 
  • professional services 
  • promotional costs
What is your expected income?
  • accommodation (rent/morgage)
  • utilities and communication 
  • insurances 
  • personal loan repayments 
  • food 
  • travel
  • esteem costs 
  • entertainments 
  • holidays and breaks 
  • savings and pension 
  • etc
what are your prices?
  • how have you worked out your prices? -state what your pricing strategy is
  • how do your prices compare with your competitors 
  • identify 3 competitors and give evidence of their prices 
total outgoings
+expected income
-----------------------   =your daily rate

working days 

365 days in a year 
52 weekends 104 days 
8 bank holidays 
20 days annual leave 

233 workings days - standard working contract 

based on 1 person working 

£15 000
+£20 000
------------  =£150.21per day  - just for a turn over 

drawn together all the information for presentation 
so from that point forward have everything ready for the presentation pitch 

do cost of living now 

Tuesday 2 December 2014

mission statement: inspire and educate people/children who are unaware of the different types of print process used as a visual communication.

what are your plans to achieve your sales/incomes?: applying for funding from the government/funds for educational purposes.
targets in the first 12 months: to make ourselves know to organisations, by online presence, word of mouth, tester sessions, being present at art events, teacher training days/school fairs.

what new products or services will you introduce in the following two years to grow your business?

what is your long term/5 years goal? - more staff-due to a heavier demand for workshops.
buses based in different parts of england so less long distance travel and makes us more available to short term demand and places further away. 

we are a company? partnership? social enterprise? cooperative? sole trader?
why have you chosen this status? what are the advantages?

we require 2 mac,

Lifes a pitch. part 1

who are you?
your business
your resources
your customers

your business
business name
business activity - what you do
missions statement- what do you aim to do

business objectives 
what are your plans to achieve your sales/income
targets in the first 12 months
what new products or services will you introduce in the folowing tow years to grow your business?
what is your long term/5 years goal?

limited company? partnership? social enterprise? cooperative? sole trader?
why have you chosen this status? what are the advantages?

your resources
what resources do you require
what equipment do you need
how much will it cost
stock- how much do you need, do you need stock to start your business?

start from scratch when starting a business as you won't be able to apply for a grant as they will see you as a already set up business.

your customers
what evidence do  you have that anyone will bu your product/serivce?
is it a popular product/service currently provided by lots of others?
is your idea completely new?

who are they?
describe audience specifically
describe the market sector - e.g. retail, food. leisure, local brands, entertainment- a service provided a service to other businesses
where are they
where do they go
where do they want to go
where would they go if they could

why would they buy from you than anyone else
how much are they likely to spend
will your sales fluctuate due to external forces?
how often will they spend that amount with you?

how will they know?
how will you advertise your product/services? advertising is not compulsory)
what other marketing methods would be effective for you?-
personal selling

your business
your resources
your customer
your cost
your price
promoting yourself
monitoring yourself

Thursday 20 November 2014

SWOT analysis on simular company task

simular companies


W-eaknesses :what are they bad at? what makes them bad at it?
O-ppotunies :what don't they do?  based in southward or just south london
two members of staff a team of artist who work 'regualry' on our projects - so not constant wider pool or artists who work occasionally 
workshops that last a few days? 
not a organised event?
by not focusing on one practice might be to much to think about therefore not learning alot about the one process or exploring it as much as possible 
no need to book certain events 
some events are free


  • deliver a range of different art activities by working with professional artist tutors of certain practices who deliver the workshops.
  • charity funded
  • drop in sessions at laid back events i.e festivals- this suits the audience who are just there to have fun. 


  • 'regular' artists 'occasional' artist - no full time professional artists - this might mean they lack consistency and a change of style at each workshop, making it less likely for them to have a distinctive style they could deliver and show to the public.
  •  also make it less likely to be able to develop there styles into something different. as our idea is based on a a few practisioners with certain styles people will no what to expect from looking at our work.


  • bases in southward or south London- so we could work else where or cover more group.
  • though they deliver a wide range or practices- maybe a more focused one would look more in-depth into a certain practice.

  • (for them) for events that just want one practice- there other services would be wasted
  • (for us) large number of helpers (staff) 
  • some events are offered for free - this means they get advertising and more people involved to spread the word. 

Ise Ananphada

The River of Life - Package design for Tetra Pak Thailand designed by Ise Ananphada
In Thailand, people have lived along the river for long time ago. Lots of Thai settlements were located near many rivers, and waterways were used to be main transportation in the past. In addition, it has been used in many purposes, such as, irrigation, agriculture, livestock, fisheries, industry and consumption on a daily basis. As well as recreational facilities, including sports and well landscaped to enhance the community
though this is a beautifully made packaging design, i like the fact is more than just pretty pictures it also has a story and a narrative behind it, something that i feel is important and gives illustrations a interesting purpose other than its aesthetics - this is what i enjoy about illustration, having a strong subject matter to visually communicate through images. 

It is really reassuring to see how work that was perhaps created for artistic/aesthetic work, can be applied onto other platforms for a commercial purpose. 

Monday 17 November 2014

assessing the composition task

identify a similar company

what are their strengths?
what are there weaknesses?
what opportunities have they taken?
what threats do they face?

mobile services
creative workshops

present finding to the group

S-renghts:what are they good at what makes them good at it
W-eaknesses :what are they bad at? what makes them bad at it?
O-ppotunies :what don't they do?

before next session: post to a group forum - response to this task

our proposal

What is the idea/concept for your groups proposal?
A co-owned print business, specialising in traditional print methods. The business is split into two parts - selling our own personal work, and being available to hire for a range of print workshops.
The idea is to own a studio, where we produce our own work and hold workshops for larger groups. And use a van to transport printing equipment and our products to other locations for smaller workshops, so we can be flexible. People can come to us - or we can go to them. 

What service do you propose to provide?
An accessible way for a wide range of customers to be inducted into traditional print making, and/or improving on skills and techniques they already have. The most important thing is that they get to do it themselves, and go away with artwork they've produced.
An educational but fun learning experience - chilled out and friendly.
Workshops tailored specifically to the group - e.g. age, interests, and what they want to get out of the workshop, large or small group.
Our own prints are available to purchase online, or during the workshops.
Stalls at festivals - selling our own prints, T-shirts, cards, with the opportunity for customers to print their own mini-print.

Who will benefit/make use of your services?
Workshops: Children in schools, sixth forms or foundation courses with limited traditional print equipment, parents organising activities for their children and friends, after school clubs, holiday/day care. 
Older people with time on their hands looking to try something new and creative. e.g. WI, book groups.
Disabled or mentally ill
Children's hospitals 

Our prints:
People with an appreciation for illustration looking for high quality limited edition prints.
People interested in art in general

What are the aims of your proposal?
To raise awareness about traditional print methods by allowing people to try it themselves.
Lead people to our own personal work
Make a profit

group idea using the 4 P's

product: - we provide a product (prints and personal work) but prom dominantly a service providing workshops for schools, festivals, units, comicon etc- wherever the demand. available for hire.

Price- our prints that we sell will generate profits. 
educational workshops have a possibility for government funding. 
price for hire includes expenses, materials, equipment costs, staff rates.

promotion:- website, van itself, word of mouth. flyers to give to the children/clients etc

place:- mostly festivals, through summer and schools/uni's etc during rest of year.

  • who is our market?
people who want to try something new
have time on there hands 
young- children who are in the process of education/learning 
careers/foster homes
other professional printers (to see our work/visit our studios)
creative courses which lack facilities (a levels/ foundations)
art and craft events

  • where are they/where do they go?

  • is there a need and if so, what is it?
creative people/children who are unaware of the breath of techniques/ art itself/ routes to go down. 
people who are interesting to understand how prints are made
people who want to try something new - groups, institutes, societies, people with time

  • why is now a appropriate time? 
tradition prints process are coming back in trend
schools lack art lessons
always a demand for art/ creativity
in general, some people are quite uniformed

political factors
economic factors
social factors
technical factos 

Monday 17th november

'Brand Babs'
modifies and manipulates her practice to suit her client -to fit more with industry she is trying to work in.

how a illustrator reads market

  • fundamentals of design management - how you start to think about creative industries 
  • Illustrators guid to law and business 

what is creative entrepreneur?
owner entrepreneur 
owner manager
owner worker 

what kind of creative are you?

evolutionary          revolutionary
manger                  opportunist 
caution                  risk taker 

what is marketing?
'the management process responsible for identifying, anticipation and satisfying customer requirements, opportunities, profitability and success.'

the 4 P's

PRODUCT - that satisfies customers needs or wants. tangible goods or a intangible service 
PRICE -the overall cost of the product- producing it and selling it 
PROMOTION -represents all the methods of communication that a marketer uses. 
PLACE -providing product to places.

what is an 'idea'?
can occur at anytime
to anybody
happen anywhere
inspired my anything
generally random
seldom materialises
rarely succeed 

'in the realm of ideas everything depends on the real world all rests on perseverance' 

'everyone is a genus at least ones a year. success comes from having brighter ideas closer together' 

what is an 'opportunity'
something out there that is external to you
the people are right 
the place is right
the conditions are right 
the time is right

where do opportunities come from 
technical developments
political change
economic boom and slump
human need
specific problems
research and development 

Tuesday 11 November 2014

progress tutorial 11/11/14

taking drawings/etching i have already done, photocopying them, laying them up with other objects to produce a random scene - nonsense. don't over think, just draw things that relate to lewis carroll in some way which could then create a nonsense illustrated print/s e.g layering the parrot with the tree coming out of its head 

MOVING PICTURES:Book a session with dragon frame and bring in random objects that could link to lewis carroll and see where my imagination takes me to evolve them e.g 
COP: set own cop task- add a few drawings i have done and evaluate why they inspire/ where they were influenced from and how to take technique further.

Friday 7 November 2014

Study task 3

telegraphy luxury magazine 

lucinda rogers no place like home rowley leigh cook book illustration endpapers

Lucinda Rodgers - 'theres no place like home' for rowley leighs cook book fourth estate 2000
THE PRIVATE SECTOR -private enterprise and investment.
SERVICE INDUSTRIES- creative industry, education, health industry. communication industry

Lucinda rodgers 'cover for the novel Angus wilson (penguin books) 
QUATERNARY SECTOR -libraries,education, intellectual activities
SERVICE INDUSTRY -creative industry, commercial industry, education industry 


study task 3

Diogo Nascimento

 this graphic designer has used a mixture of illustration and photography to communicate the brands ethos and product (stated below) for a advertising poster for the private sector food company Monsieur Appert-  a preserved fruit and vegetables business with a French spirit that works with the tradition of the natural method and pays homage to the figure of the cook who has discovered the formula for preserving food.

the printing industry
the catering industry
creative industry 

i think this is a successful creative piece to advertise the brand as it visually shows the product itself creating a strong brand  recognition. the designer has combined this with a visual story to describe  the product/company history to the viewer making a more interesting and conceptual piece of work.  i think the illustrations used are very tasteful and fit with the traditional tone of the company. 

illustration above by Richard Kilroy - highly successful fashion illustrator, and “Decoy” British magazine publisher and editor. illustration cover for 16 page colour newsprint created for  private sector magazine 'decoy' (illue 3 -a visual distraction) which is sold online.
(also could be considered to be for third sector as it can be viewed for free online) 

publishing industry
advertising industry
designer fashion industry 

shirley hughes

children book writer and illustrator, as well as book, sells single resolutions of prints.  

private sector 

publishing industry 
education industry
publishing industry

Thursday 16 October 2014

End of year printed textile exhibition

categories of creative industries / illustration routes (with task info)

6 Categories 

  • publishing and book design 
  • editorial and reportage 
  • character and narrative 
  • product and packaging 
  • children's book and education 
  • object and environment (set design e.g. theatre , shop windows, murials, wallpaper) 
exploring how the categories can help us understand the roles and opportunities in illustration industry 

all can be/have connections 
e.g. fashion- magazines, fashion promotion, object environment (in retail environment ), product and packaging (garments)

TASK - Thursday 

  • collect and gather visual information about the different categories (photographing!) 

choose 3 of the categories and within the 3, gather as many examples of the breadth of possibilities within the categories.
eg mags - fashion, diy, music, film

  • set the categories up on Pinterest 
  • select 10 examples that show the breadth that represent what you've found -issue create 3 separate 
3rd november - get selves in a group into collective group 
got to be restricted to sp1 - 3 groups of 4 and one group of 5 and sp2 - 2 groups of 4, 2 groups of 5 

Friday 10 October 2014

making lists!

as we did a lot of work on time management last year i am going to try and make lists of what i need to do in hope this will keep me on the straight and narrow and stop me stressing out over how much i have to do and forgetting about certain tasks and focusing on others!

i have also decided to include day to day tasks i need to do onto my list as i have learned from last year we don't necessarily account for the time it takes us to do these!

stationary illustration

Monday 6 October 2014

Illustrative practices

This point in time

5 things I have learnt last year
5 things I want to know more about 

I think for me to gain more general knowledge or find more interests I need to read more. Such as find out more about world history and cultures. 

I want to find out where I can go to/apply to make myself known to industries. 

I  want to know more about certain pathways I could go down with my skills, and if there are many avenues of work that I would perhaps not no about. 

Though I know more than last year I still need to broaden my knowledge of what types of illustration are used Where. Eg editorial, book illustration etc 

5 strengths /what makes me me 
Though I can improve, I feel I have become a lot more experimental with my work over the last year, instead of just sticking to what I know- I think I realised this made my work less rememberable. 

I have started to take inspiration and learn from techiniques that I have found and liked and appliy it to my own work instead of feeling overwhelmed - however this is still a issue sometimes! 

I feel I am able to identify faults in my work and see where I can improve. 

Judging by the illustrations that I have liked, I have disscovered that I prefer illustrations that are multimedia or are drawn in a unusual way. This has made me want to make my own work more unique adb different which has pushed me to use materials I would not usually use and mix then with ones I I'm confident with. 

Though I do stuggle to be happy with my work if it's not realistic or true to the subject matter, I gave started to realise this is not always important, and illustrations that are on point can be quite boring. 

5 things I want to improve on.

5 ilustrations


Tuesday 27 May 2014

PPP end of module evaluation

End of Module Self Evaluation

Rebecca williamson

1.     What skills have you developed through this brief and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I have developed my line work in this brief by using a multiply of pen thicknesses to create a stronger since of depth and to show different areas/shades of shadow areas.
I have also developed my Photoshop skills, I have learned how to apply bursts of subtle colours to particularly parts of my drawings to give the impression of clothing colour but not overwhelm of give complete the illustration, instead I wanted the viewer to be able to do this for themselves with the hint of colour I gave them to work with.

2. What approaches to/methods of image making have you developed and how have they informed your concept development process?
In my development work I tired to save myself time by drawing the intial sketch of the image I was working on, scanning it in to the computer, and reprinting it several times to develop on top with different medias, this saved me redrawing the basic structure and allowed me to spend more time improving, reapliying, and developing meidas until I found a techniquw I thought worked the best.
I experimented with using the detailed oencil drawing technique I have used in the past but combining it with other medias such as paint, 3d materials, collage. However in this module I have also pushed myself to develop my drawing technique as well and changing the media I mix it with. Becayse I wanted the jewellery and objects of the different cultured woman to be a main focus I needed to simplify the drawing technique so I experimented with applying less tones and shading unitll I developed a technique that just used shape to represent shadow areas.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I think my time management on this project (illustrated self) has been good as I have had the finals completed before crits which has allowed me to discuss and take advise on how I could improve them ready for hand in.
I am also pleased that I have been able to push myself into a techniquw that I have never used before, this has made me more confindent to come out of my comfort zone.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
My main weakness on this project was spending to long decided in a theme, beucase we had a lot more freedom to choose our own subject I worried that I would pick one that I would loose interest in and therefore would not create effective work.- this lost me vitial time to research my chosen theme and develop ideas.
I think maybe I could of improved of showing the concept in my work, I feel that by just drawing portraits, the idea of a variety beauty is not very obvious

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

PPP- Reflective blog- make sure I post things that are not necessariely illustrations but more about me and what inspires or interests me.
Evaluate post each time I unploads them to save me having to revisit!
When giving freedom, give myself a time limit on deciding on a idea so it doesn’t eat in to the time I can spend researching futher and developing it practically.
Make sure I understand each study task, to save me wasting time in having to redo it.
Remember to post activities we have done in studio sessions.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor









Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group


The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self-evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.