Monday 17 November 2014

group idea using the 4 P's

product: - we provide a product (prints and personal work) but prom dominantly a service providing workshops for schools, festivals, units, comicon etc- wherever the demand. available for hire.

Price- our prints that we sell will generate profits. 
educational workshops have a possibility for government funding. 
price for hire includes expenses, materials, equipment costs, staff rates.

promotion:- website, van itself, word of mouth. flyers to give to the children/clients etc

place:- mostly festivals, through summer and schools/uni's etc during rest of year.

  • who is our market?
people who want to try something new
have time on there hands 
young- children who are in the process of education/learning 
careers/foster homes
other professional printers (to see our work/visit our studios)
creative courses which lack facilities (a levels/ foundations)
art and craft events

  • where are they/where do they go?

  • is there a need and if so, what is it?
creative people/children who are unaware of the breath of techniques/ art itself/ routes to go down. 
people who are interesting to understand how prints are made
people who want to try something new - groups, institutes, societies, people with time

  • why is now a appropriate time? 
tradition prints process are coming back in trend
schools lack art lessons
always a demand for art/ creativity
in general, some people are quite uniformed

political factors
economic factors
social factors
technical factos 

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