Monday 17 November 2014

our proposal

What is the idea/concept for your groups proposal?
A co-owned print business, specialising in traditional print methods. The business is split into two parts - selling our own personal work, and being available to hire for a range of print workshops.
The idea is to own a studio, where we produce our own work and hold workshops for larger groups. And use a van to transport printing equipment and our products to other locations for smaller workshops, so we can be flexible. People can come to us - or we can go to them. 

What service do you propose to provide?
An accessible way for a wide range of customers to be inducted into traditional print making, and/or improving on skills and techniques they already have. The most important thing is that they get to do it themselves, and go away with artwork they've produced.
An educational but fun learning experience - chilled out and friendly.
Workshops tailored specifically to the group - e.g. age, interests, and what they want to get out of the workshop, large or small group.
Our own prints are available to purchase online, or during the workshops.
Stalls at festivals - selling our own prints, T-shirts, cards, with the opportunity for customers to print their own mini-print.

Who will benefit/make use of your services?
Workshops: Children in schools, sixth forms or foundation courses with limited traditional print equipment, parents organising activities for their children and friends, after school clubs, holiday/day care. 
Older people with time on their hands looking to try something new and creative. e.g. WI, book groups.
Disabled or mentally ill
Children's hospitals 

Our prints:
People with an appreciation for illustration looking for high quality limited edition prints.
People interested in art in general

What are the aims of your proposal?
To raise awareness about traditional print methods by allowing people to try it themselves.
Lead people to our own personal work
Make a profit

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