Monday 17 November 2014

Monday 17th november

'Brand Babs'
modifies and manipulates her practice to suit her client -to fit more with industry she is trying to work in.

how a illustrator reads market

  • fundamentals of design management - how you start to think about creative industries 
  • Illustrators guid to law and business 

what is creative entrepreneur?
owner entrepreneur 
owner manager
owner worker 

what kind of creative are you?

evolutionary          revolutionary
manger                  opportunist 
caution                  risk taker 

what is marketing?
'the management process responsible for identifying, anticipation and satisfying customer requirements, opportunities, profitability and success.'

the 4 P's

PRODUCT - that satisfies customers needs or wants. tangible goods or a intangible service 
PRICE -the overall cost of the product- producing it and selling it 
PROMOTION -represents all the methods of communication that a marketer uses. 
PLACE -providing product to places.

what is an 'idea'?
can occur at anytime
to anybody
happen anywhere
inspired my anything
generally random
seldom materialises
rarely succeed 

'in the realm of ideas everything depends on the real world all rests on perseverance' 

'everyone is a genus at least ones a year. success comes from having brighter ideas closer together' 

what is an 'opportunity'
something out there that is external to you
the people are right 
the place is right
the conditions are right 
the time is right

where do opportunities come from 
technical developments
political change
economic boom and slump
human need
specific problems
research and development 

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