Monday 6 October 2014

This point in time

5 things I have learnt last year
5 things I want to know more about 

I think for me to gain more general knowledge or find more interests I need to read more. Such as find out more about world history and cultures. 

I want to find out where I can go to/apply to make myself known to industries. 

I  want to know more about certain pathways I could go down with my skills, and if there are many avenues of work that I would perhaps not no about. 

Though I know more than last year I still need to broaden my knowledge of what types of illustration are used Where. Eg editorial, book illustration etc 

5 strengths /what makes me me 
Though I can improve, I feel I have become a lot more experimental with my work over the last year, instead of just sticking to what I know- I think I realised this made my work less rememberable. 

I have started to take inspiration and learn from techiniques that I have found and liked and appliy it to my own work instead of feeling overwhelmed - however this is still a issue sometimes! 

I feel I am able to identify faults in my work and see where I can improve. 

Judging by the illustrations that I have liked, I have disscovered that I prefer illustrations that are multimedia or are drawn in a unusual way. This has made me want to make my own work more unique adb different which has pushed me to use materials I would not usually use and mix then with ones I I'm confident with. 

Though I do stuggle to be happy with my work if it's not realistic or true to the subject matter, I gave started to realise this is not always important, and illustrations that are on point can be quite boring. 

5 things I want to improve on.

5 ilustrations


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