Tuesday 2 December 2014

Lifes a pitch. part 1

who are you?
your business
your resources
your customers

your business
business name
business activity - what you do
missions statement- what do you aim to do

business objectives 
what are your plans to achieve your sales/income
targets in the first 12 months
what new products or services will you introduce in the folowing tow years to grow your business?
what is your long term/5 years goal?

limited company? partnership? social enterprise? cooperative? sole trader?
why have you chosen this status? what are the advantages?

your resources
what resources do you require
what equipment do you need
how much will it cost
stock- how much do you need, do you need stock to start your business?

start from scratch when starting a business as you won't be able to apply for a grant as they will see you as a already set up business.

your customers
what evidence do  you have that anyone will bu your product/serivce?
is it a popular product/service currently provided by lots of others?
is your idea completely new?

who are they?
describe audience specifically
describe the market sector - e.g. retail, food. leisure, local brands, entertainment- a service provided a service to other businesses
where are they
where do they go
where do they want to go
where would they go if they could

why would they buy from you than anyone else
how much are they likely to spend
will your sales fluctuate due to external forces?
how often will they spend that amount with you?

how will they know?
how will you advertise your product/services? advertising is not compulsory)
what other marketing methods would be effective for you?-
personal selling

your business
your resources
your customer
your cost
your price
promoting yourself
monitoring yourself

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