Tuesday 2 December 2014

mission statement: inspire and educate people/children who are unaware of the different types of print process used as a visual communication.

what are your plans to achieve your sales/incomes?: applying for funding from the government/funds for educational purposes.
targets in the first 12 months: to make ourselves know to organisations, by online presence, word of mouth, tester sessions, being present at art events, teacher training days/school fairs.

what new products or services will you introduce in the following two years to grow your business?

what is your long term/5 years goal? - more staff-due to a heavier demand for workshops.
buses based in different parts of england so less long distance travel and makes us more available to short term demand and places further away. 

we are a .....limited company? partnership? social enterprise? cooperative? sole trader?
why have you chosen this status? what are the advantages?

we require 2 mac,

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