Friday 4 March 2016

Emailing Lucinda Rogers - an admired illustrator!

Hi Lucinda, 

My names Rebecca, I’m currently studying illustration at Leeds Collage of Art.

I have always admired your detailed craft and the way you turn an everyday, often unnoticed scene into a captivating illustration, creating focal points you just can't achieve with a photograph. (like the newspapers and sales man in this piece!) 

Your work and success as an artist has remained one of my inspirations throughout my art education, especially when I have doubted my own illustrative approach in the past. (School sketchbooks filled with printed versions of your illustrations for contextual reference!)

After meeting with Ben Jones, he suggested getting in contact with you as he felt my practice also fits into reportage illustration. Though we have different working techniques, if you had any advice for the direction of my work or what areas of the creative industry I should be looking into I would be very grateful!

Would you suggest an agent? I’m finding it hard to know who or where to go to get my work seen or commissioned by the right clients. Your impressive client list is very encouraging as it reassures me there is an outlet for reportage illustration and that people still appreciate hand rendered craft. 

I’m currently working on a project focusing on elderly people, bringing awareness to them as individuals to help tackle the issue of potential loneliness within their generation. My aim is to communicate stories they have told me about their lives and illustrate this in their portraits – such as places the have lived.
I’ve attempted to layer illustrations to add context to my own work in previous illustrations below, but feel I need to develop on this technique in order to communicate several things about the elderly persons life.

Any suggestions of how to tackle this would be much appreciated! Do you know of anyone who I could contact that works on awareness based projects I could potentially show this project to?

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Best wishes

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