Thursday 10 March 2016

taking advantage of opportunities presented -Amnesty international Brief

the Amnesty international brief has been mentioned for me to take a look at a few times in group tutorials or individual tutorials when i have mentioned that working on charity based illustrations is something i think my practice suits.
though i haven't been necessary instructed to take part by peers or tutors, it occurred to me ... why am i not giving it ago if it is a opportunity for my work to be seen by a charity who are looking for a creative campaign.

after weighing up the pro's and cons of starting a brief so late on-

cons -
-i wont have enough time to construct a well researched and well executed idea/piece
-i have other work i can be getting on with.
-the start date for the project was from November, everyone else entry will be far developed and indepth

i decided to bite the bullet and go for it.
(was i crazy giving myself more to do!) i just couldn't help thinking i would regret not, thinking about 'what if' - if i did get recognition it could be a step into the industry i feel my practice fits into.
if i dont get anywhere in the competition, atleast it is a piece to put in my portfolio to show i can work to competition guildline briefs, and it shows i can produce work with a charity/social awareness issue.

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