Wednesday 16 March 2016

i wanted to see if could find a type i liked better than the one i was using (bottom one above) i felt this one is quite blunt which doesn't represent the delicacy i like to show in my work.
out of the type above, i really like the 1st one or the 2nd-to-last. however when adding them to my business card designs and other social media platforms, i find the type i am already using works better! 9 1st design below) 

i printed the designs out to get a better idea of what they will look like in real life... also... this way i can see what the design would look like if i cut a section out of the business card to make it more creative and draw attention to the shape of the pencils. 
i really like this!
however i think just cutting around the bottom left pencils works best. 
the only problem with this is... will it be really tricky and time consuming to make mass business cards in this way? 

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