Monday 21 March 2016

looking over ppp blog for reminders! - advice from victo ngai

how does your day work:
as sturctured as possible
when you dont have boss its easy to slack off
keep a time scale
try and answer important emails etc as soon as you get it or it becomes a nagging feeling

this is something i am starting to understand! although not emailing many people, when the emails are long and require a longer/more personalised and thought out response, i find it very hard to urge myself to reply... making the email become a looming (nagging thing) in my head i know i need to do. 
i think this is because of my self dout. i always worry im not replying the right thing or im missing saying things i should - this makes me worry especially when somethings clients/people may not keep up a back and forward reply systems and therefore i want get all the answers i need. 
because i want a reply i worry that my emails are not good enough - therefore put pressure on myself as i feel they are really important and could be the change for me to progress in my career/networking pathway. 

i think my self dout does sometimes come down the the fact im dyslexic so i automatically think i cant do things aswell as others. - (when it comes to writing etc) 

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