Sunday 19 April 2015

other ways to make myself visually recognisable

so far with my promo pack/business card development, i have focused my designs on using work i have produced for particular themes instead of creating a logo/illustration i could use to illustrate myself to put on my business card and other promotional merchandise. i feel my style/ work tends to illustrate serious themes and not so much cartoon or character based so therefore i am finding it hard illustrating myself as a character. 

i think using existing work which showcases my illustrative style is more appropriate for my promo material. however i do want to have something that will maintain the same on everything in my pack and everything i do in the future so i am recognisable with it, such as a simple logo or the text i use to sit along side the illustrations. 
below i have researched into fronts/logos which creatives have used to write their name. something i could do. 

i really like how this person has included drawings/doodles within the text of her name. 

playing around with illustrating my name 

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