Monday 20 April 2015

20th april

monday- bring things in/show what i am proposing to do

is your designs right for who you are trying to approach

make sure I AM happy with them -please yourself

placement - doesnnt have to be illustration publishers - could be graphics, fashion

creative cv is different from usual cv
what motivates me
what person i am
what i like creatively
an interview without being there
could be a illustrated story of my life- book

promo pack
-graze box style?
-so your always prepared in showcasing work
think about how its going to be send/packaged

ppp presentation in a type of pack - digital pack

Synergy -

show awareness of platforms you could deliver yourself - email, e cards, post cards,
magnets - make work that is in context of a magnet - illustrate whats in the fridge

Use brief as a SHOPPING LIST

CARDS- could be just with text on and you add illustration as you hand them out
stress ball

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