Sunday 17 January 2016

Worrying about life after uni!

one thing i hate is the fact i worry... i always seem to focus on negatives rather than positives, so i haven't necessarily had the most optimistic outlook on life after uni. HOWEVER luckily, i stubbled across this article which has helped calm those thoughts!

1. We're still young

3. You can't discover who you want to be until you find out who you are-
Challenge yourself by experiencing something new, while you still have the chance. 

5. Your degree won't go to waste

many graduate employers seek degree-level candidates rather than those disciplined in a specific subject.

6. You're not alone
"Panicking doesn't help and is unnecessary anyway. Don't let things drift – keep calm and make a plan. Realise that you're not deciding what to do with the rest of your life, but choosing a good next step for you."

though i want to have a clear idea about what i can get into and think about doing as a career after uni, i really want to have the time to do something completely different. as i have been in education for al my life, i don't really know any different. i hope time out traveling will help me put things into perspective and i feel this will really help me understand what is important and what isn't. i need to get out of my routines bubble! 

Don’t be scared to claim JSA

There’s a lot of stigma attached to those who take job seekers allowance (JSA) but you shouldn’t be put off claiming benefits.
This welfare system was set up for people who needed support whilst looking for a job, so as long as you don’t plan to take advantage of it JSA can be a real help for graduates as a source of finance whilst looking for jobs in the first couple of months.

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