Monday 18 January 2016

what have i already done 
contacted central illustration agency
ilminated the idea of a MA
realised my aim to take a year out
made a professional website

what i intend to do 
research into PGCE'S
contact more agents
make a larger network of connections
update website/ come into a regular habit of updating professional social networking site
work out a strategy/places to go to promote my practice whilst traveling.
discover companies that i would want to be represented by.

1 years time
discover an area of work i would want to go into - even if it is not necessarily illustration .
have a agent

5 years 
settled into a stable job/career
moved out of family home
potentially live in a new place
have a solid connections to the industry,with regular opportunities

what i need to remember to do 
reflect on journeys I've made, to realise how far i have come and what i have achieved
how attitudes have changed
how practice has changed
dont compare!
DEVELOP A CONFIDENCE  - it will get me through more than money

health issues
family problems
no success with contacts/connections
knock-backs- resulting in loss of confidence
unforeseen events
a change in heart

freelance as reliable source of income - 5-10 years.

5 statements of what i need to do between now and 2 weeks time:

  • look at agencies, galleries etc i can go into with portfolio whilst traveling. 
  • email more agents
  • update all professional networking sites - twitter, webpage etc
  • email Melissa (designer who has recently graduated but gone into job) 
  • look for jobs near home to have whilst promoting myself as an illustrator. 
  • think about a digital portfolio
  • research into into events and opportunities i could get involved with. 
  • edit business cards and re-print

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