Monday 4 January 2016


i was contacted through my facebook page by a girl who wanted a illustration of her dogs for a present. though i was so happy to be asked to do this as i have only had 1 other commission before i tried to be professional and did discuss payments (although this is obvious, i do find bringing up pricing awkward as i dont want them to think i am ripping them off- as people don;t understand this is my job - not just a hobby)
i was really humbled when she posted the picture she had had framed for her mum on Instagram- it reassured me that the money i was asking for it that she wasn't sure she could afford was acceptable.
by the client posting my work, i hope this will bring more work my way and reach people my work hasn't reached!
i did the drawing for £70 - though i probably should of charged more based on the time it took me to complete 

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